A Beautiful Night in the Garden! Posted on June 27, 2013 by Priscilla Burns Welcome! Alice Krapf, Heidi Clement and Lisa Ayres are all smiles on a beautiful evening Ken Stone and Lyn Brakeman in Fiesta red Francie Malo with Roger and Gloria Chesebrough Danny Spinetto serves a refreshing beverage to mom Kathleen McCormick and Luette Bourne enjoy a chance to visit Michael Bousquet and David Lee welcome Jay Jordan and friend Cheers! Maureen Lavely and Adrienne Sweetser What’s a garden without a song? …and what’s a garden without a beautiful baby? The Rector and Alice ponder deeply Michael Giese and Douglas Witte solve the problems of the world Tom Mousin, Maureen Lavely and Thomas Brown … by the light of the moon