A New Year of Faith, Formation, and Friendship

St. John’s begins a new program year on Sunday, September 13th, and we want you to be a part of it. Here are some of the ministries resuming or starting:

Children’s Formatiocartoon image of St. John's smaller file 001n Programs: Our two children’s classes begin at 9:45 am on the 13th. Do plan to come a bit early and register your children. Godly Play for 3 year old through 3rd graders meets downstairs, and our older class meets upstairs in the Parish Hall.

Children’s Choir: Nancy Armstrong invites all children in grades two and up to join her for the first rehearsal of Children’s Choir, at 9:15 upstairs in the Parish Hall.

Adult Choir: The choir sings at the 10 am service on the 13th, and holds their first rehearsal on Thursday, September 10th at 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Douglas Witte welcomes all – including persons new to the choir. Your voice will add to our praise.

Parish Picnic: A Parish Picnic follows the 10 am service on the 13th. Please plan to stay for hot dogs, hamburgers and more.

Confirmation Class on September 20: All high school age students are welcome to join us for a confirmation class, at 6 pm. We will meet on alternate Sunday evenings, with a light supper included. The class will provide an opportunity to explore what it means to be a Christian and a member of the Episcopal Church.