We cherish our beloved St. John’s Episcopal Church, and to that end, we strive to raise awareness through development and outreach that will equip all of us at St. John’s, as we endeavor to serve all our many communities both, young and old, near and far. In this, the 21st Century, that now consists of the inclusive use of social media and our willingness to become a bit more “Social Media Savvy.” But, do not fear, for we are with you! During upcoming #Coffee Hours, we will partner young social media guru users with older social media novice users, for more #Joy for the #Journey Together!
We invite you to join us on Social Media, which now includes Facebook, #Twitter, and Instagram. For everything in one easy location, and for, “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” concerning St. John’s Episcopal Church in Charlestown, Massachusetts, The Massachusetts Diocese, the Episcopal Church in New England, and The Episcopal Church throughout the World. We encourage you to help St. John’s invite everyone in all our many communities to events such as #Harvest Fair and #Lessons & Carols, and to #Sunday Morning Worship, and #Coffee Hour.
Please leave a message, if you have any questions or comments. Meanwhile, enjoy #Uplifting, #Inspiring, and even at times, #Concerning, or #Mobilizing St. John’s social media posts that will engage you, from National Episcopal Church Women, Episcopal Cafe, Sojourners, El Camino Project, Episcopal Intercultural Network, The Episcopal Church, Reverend Michael Curry, Liturgical Musings, Forward Movement, Episcopal Youth, and much, much, more!
Here are the St. John’s Social Media user names:
On Facebook: St. John’s Episcopal Church 02129
(Please be patient locating us on Facebook, as our old Facebook page is scheduled for deletion and it can be tricky to find our new Facebook page!)
On Twitter: @SaintJohns02129
On Instagram: stjohnsepiscopalchurch02129 / SaintJohns02129