An Update from the Bishop’s Office

Dear Friends,

I usually use this space to share my reflections on the week. Today let me share with you instead a letter from the Rev. Canon Mally Ewing Lloyd, Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese, concerning Bishop Shaw’s health:

Dear Friends,

Bishop Tom asked me to be in touch to let you know that his doctors have recommended a surgical procedure in order to continue monitoring his response to his treatment for brain cancer.  This recommendation comes after consultation with his medical team over the past few days.  The procedure is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 6 at 1 p.m.  He expects to spend a couple of days in the hospital and then recover at home with his SSJE brothers.  He asks for your prayers, which he so deeply appreciates; no hospital visits, please, but cards and messages are welcome.  They may be sent to him in care of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, 980 Memorial Drive, Cambridge MA 02138.

While another surgery may sound worrisome, Bishop Tom is confident in his doctors’ advice and continues to be grateful for their care and expertise.

We will update you when there is more information to share.  Thank you for your prayers during this Advent season of watching and waiting.


I know that all of us at St. John’s will continue to keep Bishop Shaw in our prayers.
