On Sunday October 26, the Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman will lead a post-coffee hour Forum on the topic of expansive language in liturgy. This is not an issue exclusive to women, but one that affects all of us—and God.
Language is the most important symbolic tool by which we communicate—to love and to hate. Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words may break our hearts and stifle our souls. How we speak and image God and Christ shapes not only our perceptions of divinity, but also has the power to define and determine how we relate to each other. Language is a theological issue and a justice issue.
The National Council of Churches of Christ offers resources and a curriculum to help interested groups pay attention to the words we use. WordsMatter.org.
Come join us for a conversation about our words of worship, the words with which we serve Christ’s kingdom of love, justice and peace—or not.