Maundy Thursday Potluck and Service- Tonight at 6 pm

Gathered for the Maundy Thursday Supper

Tonight, we being the Triduum – the three services that lead us to the first great celebration of Easter.  At 6 pm, we gather in the Parish House for a simple potluck supper – bring hummus, bread, cheese, crackers, crudite or whatever you would like.  If it is not convenient to bring some food or drink, come anyway – there is always plenty to share. We eat and celebrate the Eucharist around the tables, and then proceed to the church for foot washing, the stripping of the altar, and time to pray before the Altar of Repose – to stay and watch with Jesus during his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The Triduum is actually meant to be one uninterrupted service, so we will gather again on Good Friday – at 4:30 pm for a service for children, or at 7 pm for the Prayer Book liturgy of Good Friday.

Then on Saturday, the Great Vigil of Easter leads us from darkness to light, as we celebrate the first Good News of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.