Thank you Garden Group!

The Garden Group had an abundance of wonderful treats available at Coffee Hour last Sunday. Thank you to the members for making coffee hour a real treat. The Garden Group thanks everyone who helped make the plant sale a successful fundraiser.

And looking ahead…Consider “stowing it” instead of “throwing it”. The women of ECW and the Garden Group are joining together to sponsor a Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, April 27th, starting at 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. We invite you to save donations of stuff and to offer time to help at the sale. Especially appreciated will be help to set out tables and items. More information closer to the event.

About the Great Vigil of Easter

“This is the night when Christ broke the bonds of death and rose victorious from the grave. Tonight we hear the ancient stories of God’s redeeming work, moving from darkness to light, from solemn chant to joyful song, as we celebrate the glorious Resurrection.”

—from the Washington National Cathedral 2012

The Great Vigil is the oldest tradition of the Christian church except for the Eucharist and is meant to tell an ancient story which is so important and central to our lives as Christians and as members of St John’s. In a way, this is our tribal song…words, music and ritual in one space. It is told to every generation, it is told every year. The Great Vigil begins in the dark, as the fire of new life is lit and spread to the whole church and finally bells are rung and we hear the first Gloria and the first Alleluias of the new season of Easter. We are literally shouting for joy! This is the first service of Easter followed by services on Easter Day. You are encouraged to bring bells from home to ring for the Vigil, big bells and little ones.

Around the Parish, March 16

Congratulations to Samantha Maynard, who competed recently in the Northern Vermont (U-10) Slalom Competition, finishing 5th and 8th in her last two races, and receiving medals for both races.

TreeWork-march2013-2On Tuesday, you may have seen several tree trucks at St. John’s, with cherrypickers allowing workers to reach high up into the trees that surround the building. The Garden Group arranged for this much needed pruning work. It eliminated dead and unsafe limbs and contributed, not only to the health of the trees, but to the wellbeing of us all. Thank you to all the members of the Garden Group for your dedicated care of plants small and large, and for contributing a third of the cost for this important maintenance.

Marion Wood is on the mend after recently being hit by a car while crossing Austin Street. Please keep her in your prayers.

Over 30 people attended Tom’s Open House in Winchester on Sunday, and how delightful it was to have the sun shining on a Sunday afternoon! Thanks to all who attended — and Greta loved all the attention. We will do it again some time!

Paul Newell and Jake Sterling have been spending a considerable amount of time updating and refreshing our website. Please take a look; feedback is welcome as we want to make it as user-friendly as possible. You can click on the website at the top of this newsletter. Thank you to both Paul and Jake for your ongoing contributions of time and talent to this important window of our church’s life.

Emily Bryson, our nursery caregiver is running the Boston Marathon for the Boys and Girls Club of Charlestown as a part of an 18 member team, raising much needed funds to support programming … and to serve as an inspiration to the Boys and Girls Club members. If you would like to support Emily in her effort, you can do so by clicking here. Emily’s name will be in the dropdown menu on the main page. Donations are tax-deductible.

Easter Flower Donations

Please consider making a donation for Easter flowers in memory of or thanksgiving for a loved one. Envelopes for this special offering will be enclosed in the worship bulletins this Sunday. Also, you may mail your Easter flower donation to the office (27 Devens Street, Charlestown, MA 02129). Please be sure to include the names you would like to remember and note if the gift is given in memory of or in thanksgiving for the person or persons. Most important: please print the names clearly!

“Gently Used” Clothing for St. Luke’s in Chelsea

St. John’s ECW has been collecting gently used clothing for children, men and women, and donating them to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Chelsea. The rector, Father Edgar, is very appreciative of all the donations we bring over.

The clothes are sold on Saturdays in the church’s store. Besides clothing, kitchen items, shoes, boots and games, toys and books are needed. Donations can be brought to St. John’s on Sunday mornings, as well as Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 11.

Rosemary Kverek

Posted in ECW