News from the ECW

Thank you for generous giving:  On Sunday October 6th, we collected $168 towards the purchase of livestock through Episcopal Relief and Development. We may be donating a flock of chickens to a family for their sustenance. Donations are still welcome, and we will let you know of where we are sending our gift.

ECW members Rosemary Kverek and Maureen Lavely sort through recent donations.

ECW members Rosemary Kverek and Maureen Lavely sort through recent donations.

We continue to welcome donations for the St. Luke/San Lucas Episcopal Church Thrift Shop in Chelsea. You can drop them off in the downstairs of the Parish Hall (in the room leading to the church).  Thank you!

Posted in ECW

What are you doing here? — Women’s retreat

christ-sophia-2St. John’s  Episcopal Church Women will offer a summer retreat day on Saturday July 20 from 9:45a.m to 2 p.m. The day will be facilitated by our Priest Assciate the Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman.  The theme will be What Are You Doing Here?  It is a question we might ask ourselves and one that God asks our biblical ancestors — and therefore us as well.

Lyn will offer two short meditations and there will be time for silent, individual prayer, reflection, and sharing as desired at the end. Treat yourself to a day just for yourself and God — no work, no wagging of tongues, all time “wasted,” for the sake of your Soul.

Please bring a brown-bag lunch. Beverages will be provided. There is no fee and the day is open to parishioners and interested guests.

Please let Kathleen Scargle McCormick know by email or in person or phone if you plan to attend.

Posted in ECW

Serving St. Luke’s/San Lucas

Almost every week, members of the ECW (Episcopal Church Women) bring clothing and gently used goods donated by parishioners to St. Luke’s/San Lucas Episcopal Church in Chelsea. St. Luke’s has  a Food Pantry and Thrift Shop serving many in the Chelsea IMG_0453community, and our donations are much appreciated. At right, ECW members Rosemary Kverek and Maureen Lavely greet parishoners and the rector, Father Edgar Guiterrez-Duarte, after dropping off goods from the recent Sidewalk Sale.


“Gently Used” Clothing for St. Luke’s in Chelsea

St. John’s ECW has been collecting gently used clothing for children, men and women, and donating them to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Chelsea. The rector, Father Edgar, is very appreciative of all the donations we bring over.

The clothes are sold on Saturdays in the church’s store. Besides clothing, kitchen items, shoes, boots and games, toys and books are needed. Donations can be brought to St. John’s on Sunday mornings, as well as Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 11.

Rosemary Kverek

Posted in ECW

ECW News

The next ECW (Episcopal Church Women) meeting is this Sunday, March 10 at 11:45 in the Godly Play Room. All women are welcome to attend.

Donations for the St. Luke’s/San Lucas Thrift Shop in Chelsea continue to be appreciated. New and quality used clothing can be left in the box in the Parish House.

Posted in ECW