Starting on August 19 Jake Sterling is going to be at the St. John’s kitchen on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 through the month of September “Putting Food By.” Jake has a list of possible recipes that include…
bottled peaches & plums
- bread & butter pickles
- tomatoes & tomato sauce
- fruit butters & curds (9/9)
- preserves (9/16)
- various chutneys (9/23)
- cordials & drinks (9/30)
We will take some of our products home and keep some to sell at the Harvest Fair to raise money. Anyone who would like to join in is welcome. Those who participate will chip in to pay for the ingredients, but donations of canning jars, lids, etc. are welcome! We will need 8 oz., 12 oz., and 16 oz. (pint) canning jars. Used canning jar rings in good condition are welcome, but, for food safety reasons, the lids have to be new.
Putting Food By is an ongoing event. You can participate in any way that fits your schedule; however, please try to let Jake know in advance if you will be coming so he can plan the amounts that will be needed. Sign up on SignUpGenius, or you can contact Jake by email or by phone (978-727-2937)
- Canned Peaches and Canned Plums — August 19
- Bread and Butter Pickles — August 26
- Canning Tomatoes (complete instructions in PDF format) — September 2
- Fruit Butters, Curds, etc. — September 9
- Preserves — September 16
- Chutney — September 23
- Mincemeat
- Syrups and Cordials — September 30
- Cranberry Cordials (Alchoholic)
- Shrubs (Raspberry, Grapefruit, Apple)
- Mustard Recipes