by Kathleen McCormick
“Shining our light” is the theme for this year’s stewardship season at St. John’s. This is my story about how I have seen the light of Christ shine at St. John’s; and how I have found ways to let my own light shine.
I have been a member at this parish for almost 13 years. One of the ways that St. John’s has consistently shown its light has been in helping people in need. Sometimes, it’s an obvious need and other times it is much less so. One thing that we have done well is to welcome people that have been made to feel unwelcome in other churches. I remember a number of occasions in which we stood as a church family for those seeking baptism for a child, or a marriage ceremony, or a funeral, and who were, for some reason, rejected by another church. I know the difference it made for these people, some of whom are with us still and others who have had to move on. When they needed us, we were there. For this reason, I have always believed in the power of our community to stand by those who need us, to greet them with open arms, and to break bread with them.
It is a little harder for me to talk about how my light has been able to shine at St. John’s, but this community has pushed me in ways that I did not expect. I was privileged to be by the bedside of a dying parishioner many times in the last weeks of her life. Helping others to discern their ministries and supporting them in that process has been a blessing. Setting the table, whether at a parish meal or other event or preparing the Lord’s table for liturgy have been other ways that I have felt that I was able to share the good news. For me, it is in giving that I receive – and in surprising ways that I never expected.
Stewardship is about a financial commitment, but it is so much more. Giving money is easy; giving our time and talent is not as easy. A long time ago, I taught preschoolers in Sunday school, and to this day, I remember their joy in singing “this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine”. Don’t hide yours under a bushel; be the light, and shine!
Note: Each week during our annual stewardship campaign, a parishioner will offer a reflection that will be printed and handed out on Sunday and reprinted in News and Notes for the following Thursday’s email.