The Search Committee, appointed by the Vestry, is composed of a representative group of Parishioners of varying ages, with different gifts, and skills.
The Search Committee has primary responsibility for guiding the Parish through a process of prayerful reflection on the Parish Mission and its hopes for this next stage of its life; for consulting broadly during this process; for composing a realistic and clear Parish Profile; and for conducting the search itself – in all its stages, except the final step – once the Parish Profile and other elements of the Rector position description have been posted.
According to the Canons of the Episcopal Church and the practices of our Diocese, no Clergy may serve on the Search Committee, and the Wardens are not allowed to serve, since their energies are devoted to keeping the church going during the interim period.
One or two members of the Vestry serve on the Search Committee, and serve as a liaison to the Vestry. In the very final step, the Search Committee presents their chosen Candidate to the Vestry, which, with the approval of the Bishop, issues the call to that person on behalf of the parish.
The Search Committee is to be fully transparent and communicate clearly and regularly with the Parish at large, and with the Interim in all the stages up to the posting of the Rector position description. From then onward, the Search Committee is to observe full confidentiality, as the search itself proceeds.
The Rector search process, while carefully organized and attentive to many organizational details, differs from a corporate search process in that it is conducted at all times in a spirit of prayer and in the perspective of the question “What is God’s call to us as a Parish, at this time, in this place?” It is also meant to be a time of spiritual and communal growth for us, as a Congregation and a chance for us to strengthen the Laity of the parish.
We are deeply grateful to the nine people who have agreed to serve on the Search Committee. You will be hearing from them in the coming weeks and months in more detail, step by step.