The Her Way of Love Episcopal Church Community of Women follows The Way of Love as a rule of life. During the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry encouraged Episcopalians to adopt the The Way of Love as a rule of life, through the seven practices of Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go + Rest. The Her Way of Love mission is to provide a community of support for women seeking to cultivate an intentional life of prayer and action by committing themselves to The Way of Love.
Learn more about The Way of Love here: & Learn more about Her Way of Love here:
At Saint John’s, we’re inviting you to join an eight month journey in the “Her Way of Love Book Club.” Through memoirs, theology and poetry, we’ll enrich our spiritual lives and grow together. Each month of book club we will read a book that is paired with one of the practices. We are continuing on with the third book in the month of March, and we will be reading, “Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again,” by Rachel Held Evans.

Join Here:
Please know that you might choose to read any one or all of the eight books on the reading list at any time, during the next eight months, and that you may choose reading at your own pace, contributing at your own pace, and reflecting at your own pace. This book club is intended to be a gentle and nurturing tool that brings, “Joy to Your Journey,” with no deadlines, no distress, and especially, no dread.
With enough interest in a particular book or books, we’ll schedule one or more gatherings with refreshments in Saint John’s garden, for questions and discussion, so watch for more announcements with information in spring and summer of 2020, as fair weather follows!