There will be no services this Sunday, March 15th, Sunday, March 21st, or Sunday March 29th.

Friends and Family of Saint John’s,
In keeping with many of our fellow churches in the Diocese of Massachusetts, the recommendations of both the Governor and the state and local health officials, and out of an abundance of caution, there will be no services this Sunday, March 15th, Sunday, March 21st, or Sunday March 29th.
The decision did not come easily or lightly given the importance of “keeping the feast” together on Sundays for all of us. But we believe that to Act in Love as a community of Christ, and of a broader Charlestown, we must affirmatively protect the health of our Parish and our wider neighborhood.
Please keep an eye out for opportunities to stay engaged: Reverend Black will be posting suggested reflections and morning prayers until we can “gather stones together” again.
Hear the Spirit.
Doug & Alice, Saint John’s Wardens