A few weeks ago, I met with one of the organizers of the Charlestown Resident Alliance, the non-profit community organization and public housing volunteer tenant group that represents residents of the Bunker Hill Development. We talked about some of the struggles our communities are facing, and some of the hopes we have for them, and when I wondered how St. John’s might support his work, he had a pretty clear answer. “You know what would really help? Toys.”
Supply chain issues and inflation are scrambling Christmas plans once again, making it even harder for all families—but especially lower-income families—to celebrate the holidays. Even massive operations like Toys for Tots are limiting the number of toys they’re able to distribute, which in turns limits the supply of gifts community organizations like the CRA can share with residents.
Enter the Charlestown Resident Alliance toy drive!
St. John’s will be partnering with the CRA to collect new, unwrapped toys for local kids. You can drop toys off at St. John’s during church office hours (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-3) or on Sunday mornings; we’ll have clearly-labeled boxes for donations in the Parish House and in the Sanctuary. We’ll be accepting donations through Friday, December 17.
One of the things I love about being a Christian in the city is that it makes certain things really easy to do. “Love your neighbor as yourself” is one of them. This December, I’ll be buying my child a few toys; why not love my neighbor as myself, why not love my neighbor’s children as my own? If you’re shopping for kids or grandkids, nieces, nephews, or family friends, I hope you’ll take the opportunity to buy one or two extra toys to share.