Tomorrow (Friday, September 29) is the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, traditionally known as “Michaelmas.” A group of us had a long discussion in our Thursday-morning series this week, roughly on the topic, “What’s the deal with angels, anyway???” I can’t say we came to any firm conclusions other than the fact that some of us have undeniably had experiences that we simply can’t explain any other way: moments in which someone or something reached out from beyond the expected and helped us, or spoke to us.
Such moments defy prose. So by way of a reflection this week, I simply offer you a poem from the priest and poet Malcolm Guite, entitled, “Michaelmas: a sonnet for St. Michael.”
Michaelmas gales assail the waning year,
And Michael’s scale is true, his blade is bright.
He strips dead leaves; and leaves the living clear
To flourish in the touch and reach of light.
Archangel bring your balance, help me turn
Upon this turning world with you and dance
In the Great Dance. Draw near, help me discern,
And trace the hidden grace in change and chance.
Angel of fire, Love’s fierce radiance,
Drive through the deep until the steep waves part,
Undo the dragon’s sinuous influence
And pierce the clotted darkness in my heart.
Unchain the child you find there, break the spell
And overthrow the tyrannies of Hell.
Click here to read more from Malcolm Guite about the poem, including an audio recording.