by Doug Heim
Family and friends of St. John’s,
It is difficult to choose just one moment where the light of Christ shone within and through us this past year. As one of your Wardens through a time of uncertainty and earnest trial, I saw how many lanterns were set alight, each illuminating a portion of our collective path out of our modest wilderness, like a trail of torches making sure no one would lose their way.
It began as so many of you found new ways to shine while we navigated our former Priest, Tom Mousin’s, sabbatical. The lights shone perhaps brightest when he, recently returned, was badly injured in an accident, and your love for him and one another was a feeling to behold. But as Tom’s recovery required sustained support in our mission here, even more impressive to me was how many folks continued to burn the oil of their time and talent like a sanctuary candle.
Finally, when we discovered that our transition was not at an end, but a beginning, dozens of you cheerfully said “Here I am, Lord,” to this special place- persevering in long-standing roles, fulfilling new roles and shining your light even as the path required more of you.
I’m proud to have been one lantern among you. It was one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done to serve with and for this Parish as a Warden. Like shining a light on a mirror, I received every lumen I gave.
So, having indulged me in many metaphors, I hope you will tolerate one further. Join me in giving what oil you can this year to our common sanctuary. We are given the fire from the Lord, but it is up to us to keep, foster, and grow it in his Lighthouse.
Yours with gratitude,
Doug Heim
Note: Each week during our annual stewardship campaign, a parishioner will offer a reflection that will be printed and handed out on Sunday and reprinted in News and Notes for the following Thursday’s email.