A Partial Eclipse of the Heart

These days we’re used to life being disrupted by crises large and small, from a global health crisis to a dilapidated subway system and everything in between.  So it was a nice change, on Monday, to have life disrupted by an extraordinary but harmless event.

I don’t know about you, but all around me I saw people shaken out of their routines. Yuppie couples used to working from home in separate rooms spent a few hours sitting side by side in the park outside our apartment, gazing at the sky as the sun slowly dimmed. Crowds of office workers stood along the boardwalk outside the Schrafft’s building, chatting and sharing glasses. At home, we built a pinhole projector box and wandered around the neighborhood, keeping track of the shape of a tiny crescent sun.

I’ve even heard reports—I’ll keep them anonymous for now—that strangers talked to one another (talked to one another! in Boston!) and lined up along the streets, sharing protective glasses as they stared up at the sun.

And that was just the partial eclipse.

Over the last few years, we’ve gotten used to life being disrupted and new kinds of community being formed by cataclysmic crises and dire events. I think of the surreal stillness of the world outside in the spring of 2020, so different from the stillness I heard in the air yesterday. I think of the periodic outpourings of solidarity we feel with the people subjected to the latest rounds of violence, terror, and war throughout the world. I think of the aftermath of elections and sports championships, expressions of collective effervescence balanced by expressions of rage and despair.

But when the sun is briefly blotted out, there are no losers. No one is hurt. There is no crisis bringing us together—only awe, and joy, and wonder.

“The solar eclipse was life-changing,” one headline declared on Tuesday morning. But I wonder whether life will really change.

Will the woman who yelled out her car window to offer us her glasses as she turned left across a crowded intersection stay so generous toward her neighbors forever? Or will her next round of shouting at pedestrians be a bit less kind?

Will the couples and coworkers who spent an hour outside together make it a regular thing? Or will they go back to spending their lunch hour side-by-side but staring at their phones?

How long will our hushed awe at the magnificence of the universe remain, and how quickly will the static of daily life rise up to drown it out?

Easter is an eclipse moment for our faith: A moment of crisis and wonder, an earth-shaking event that should, in theory, change everything about the way we live.

But will it?

How long will the joy of Easter remain before we return to more quotidian concerns? How long will the hope of Easter lift our spirits before we’re dragged back down to earth? Is the story of the Resurrection truly life-changing—or do our old patterns soon enough re-emerge?

Maybe it’s both. And that’s okay. But we live now in the world after Easter, just as we live in the world after the eclipse. A wonderful thing has happened, and now it’s gone, and we’re left with the memory, wondering: What difference will it make?

So my prayer, today, is this: May our minds be filled with wonder at the glory of nature, on ordinary and extraordinary days. May our hearts be filled with generosity and love of our neighbors, whether we see them on a Monday filled with awe, or simply on a Monday. And may the joy of Easter Sunday and the wonder of Eclipse Monday become touchstones that can draw us back toward hope and joy, on every other plain old boring day.

An image of the “crescent sun” projected through a DIY solar eclipse viewer at 3:27 p.m. Monday. (An ancient Chinese tradition held that eclipses were caused by a dragon eating the sun—hence the decoration!)

If We Say We Have No Sin

If We Say We Have No Sin

00:00 / 14:11

Sermon — April 7, 2024

The Rev. Greg Johnston

Lectionary Readings

“Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father
and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son, in truth and love.”
(2 John 3)

(A greeting from the Second Letter of John. More on that in a moment.)

I love this Second Sunday of Easter. Not just because of Doubting Thomas, whose faith I admire. But because it’s “Low Sunday,” when all the detailed preparations of Holy Week are over and the bells of Easter have stopped ringing in our ears; when the crowds of Easter Day have come and gone, and now a smaller group of us are left asking: “Alleluia, Christ is risen—Now what?”

On these Sundays after Easter, our readings begin to explore what it means to be an “Easter people,” what it means to live as a community in light of the Resurrection. Our first reading each week is drawn from the early chapters of the Book of Acts, following along with the community of the disciples in the days immediately following Easter. Our second readings come from 1 John, written a little less than a hundred years later, from an early church leader to a community of Christian believers. And since we only get 1 John once every three years, and because it’s one of my favorite books, and because this is after all, Saint John’s, this Easter, I’m going to preach my way through 1 John, asking every week, “What does it mean to be people of the Resurrection according to the First Letter of John?”

Although — It’s not really a letter, and it might not be by John.

We read the beginning today; there’s no greeting, and no signature. It’s more of a sermon than a letter. And 1 John doesn’t claim to be by a person named John, nor do 2nd or 3rd John. Nor does the Gospel of John, for that matter. 2 and 3 John are addressed from “The Elder” to “The Elect Lady” and “To Gaius” respectively. The Gospel of John talks about a “Beloved Disciple,” but it doesn’t say he’s the author and he’s not named John. So Scholars sometimes distinguish between John the Apostle, the brother of James and son of Zebedee; the Beloved Disciple (who may or may not be John); “John” the Evangelist (author of the Gospel); “John” the Elder (author of the letters); and John of Patmos (who wrote the Book of Revelation, and who does call himself John). Ancient church traditions say the Evangelist and the Elder are both the Apostle, who’s the Beloved Disciple, and even then they argued about whether Revelation was written by the same John—and we haven’t stopped arguing about it since, such that you can make a Biblical case for the existence of one, two, three, four, or five different Johns.

By the way, this is why, when people occasionally ask me who this church is named after, I either sound really pedantic or woefully uninformed. “Oh, which Saint John?” Uhhh…I don’t know.

So it’s not clear who wrote 1 John; I’ll just say “the Elder.” But it’s very clear that 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John come from the same tradition or the same community as the Gospel of John. The letters and the Gospel share themes, and imagery, and even sentence structure, and you can hear it from the very first words of the letter we heard today: “We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life… God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.” If you know the Gospel of John well enough, you hear echoes of it constantly in the letter. And this shared tradition is sometimes called the “Johannine tradition” or “Johannine community.” We can only speculate, but you can easily imagine for example that 2 and 3 John are cover letters, addressed to the leaders of Johannine churches in two different cities along with a copy of the First Letter of John, warning against wandering prophets who’re preaching in a way the Elder doesn’t like, and reminding them of the ideas and the faith that they share, and which we have received in the form of the Gospel of John.

So to shift gears a little and with my apologies for the extended preface, here—What are those ideas? What is the Johannine answer to the question, “What does it mean for a community to live in the light of the Resurrection?”

I can’t help but notice that the first thing John wants to do, after his introduction, is to ask people to take a real, hard look at their lives. “If we say that we have no sin,” the Elder writes, “we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:8-9) It’s a little ironic that we read this during Easter, when we traditionally omit the confession of sin on Sunday mornings.

But for the Elder, an honest reckoning with sin is inextricably linked to the hope of the Resurrection. He wants to hold these two sides together. By our Lenten human nature, we are imperfect. By God’s Easter action, we are forgiven. If we say we have no sin, we’re only deceiving ourselves; but if we confess our sins, he will forgive us our sin. The Elder is writing these things to us so that we may not sin; but if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with God in Jesus Christ. (2:1) (Advocate—Paraclete—there’s another good Johannine word.)

The Elder closes the letter: “I write these things to you who believe…so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (5:13) Not so that you repent and change your ways. Not so that you come to believe. But so that you know that you have eternal life. To talk about sin, in other words, is not to condemn ourselves, or condemn someone else; it’s to acknowledge that we might actually need forgiveness, so that we can remember that God has already forgive us. And that’s just the beginning of the path into the abundant and eternal life that God is already inviting us to live, in this world.

The Elder will go on to offer some of the most beautiful words that the Bible has about the gifts of love that we’ve received from God and the spiritual journey of transformation that we all share. But if we as human beings are going to aspire to love, we have to be honest about the ways in which we’ve failed to love, so that we can make amends with one another and grow together toward God.

It’s easy to think that this is an individual or a moralistic thing. But it’s not. It’s a letter about the life of a community, written to a community. And we read it today as part of a community that’s starting to do some real reckoning with its own sins in the past, and how they’ve shaped our life in the present, and that’s where I want to close, today.

Last month, our diocese published a historical study of the ways in which our parishes and the Diocese as a whole profited financially from the kidnapping and enslavement of people from Africa, entitled “‘And You Will Know the Truth, and the Truth Will Make You Free’”—another quote from John, by the way—“A Historical Framework (1620-1840) for Understanding How the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts Benefits Today from Chattel Slavery and Its Legacy.” The level of historical detail is astounding. The founding of every one of our colonial-era parishes was in some way funded by practices of enslavement. Dozens of clergy and founding members of parishes enslaved Africans, or made their livings through human trafficking. The booming Massachusetts economy that funded the Episcopal resurgence in the early 19th century was fueled by processing cotton grown by slaves in our mills, selling food and supplies to slaveholding plantations, and building the ships that made the Triangle Trade work. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, which existed to strengthen the Church in North America, actually owned plantations, extracting revenue from unpaid enslaved Africans in Barbados and using it to fund preachers in Boston and around New England. Without a doubt, some fraction of the endowment of our Diocese of Massachusetts, and of many of our parishes, ultimately derives from the profits of the system of chattel slavery, one of the greatest sins human beings have ever committed.

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves…”

This is one part of what it means for us, as Episcopalians, to be an Easter people today. To accept and acknowledge the sins of our past, and to ask how we can turn them into love in the present. The promise of the Resurrection is that our sin can be transformed, and that God is inviting us together into a new life of love. The promise of the Resurrection is not only eternal life in the future; it’s a new kind of community in the present.

After all: “If we say that we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lie… but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.” (1 John 6-7)

In the name of the God who is faithful and just: Amen.

Easter People

“Beloved, we are God’s children now;
what we will be has not yet been revealed.”
(1 John 3:2)

Over the last few years, I’ve often heard church leaders refer to Episcopalians, or to Christians in general, as “an Easter people.” It’s a phrase that’s surfaced in my mind during the last week, as we’ve celebrated Easter Sunday and I’ve begun planning for the coming weeks. During this Eastertide—the fifty-day season between Easter Day and the Ascension—our readings on Sunday mornings are taken from the Book of Acts and the First Letter of John, along with the Gospel of John, and in many ways each series of readings is an answer to the question, “What does it mean to be an ‘Easter People?'” In other words, what does it mean to live as a community shaped by the Resurrection?

I was so intrigued by the question that I decided to do something this Eastertide that I don’t usually do, and preach a sermon series. 1 John is one of my favorite books of the Bible, and so I thought we’d stick with it through the season, asking each week: What can this letter to a small group of Christian disciples, two millennia ago, teach us about what it means to be “an Easter people” today?

As is often the case with quotable quotes, the origins of the phrase “Easter people” are unclear. But its most beautiful and defining use comes from a homily given by the late Pope John Paul II during a visit to Australia in 1986:

We do not pretend that life is all beauty. We are aware of darkness and sin, of poverty and pain. But we know Jesus has conquered sin and passed through his own pain to the glory of the Resurrection. And we live in the light of his Paschal Mystery – the mystery of his Death and Resurrection. “We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song!” We are not looking for a shallow joy but rather a joy that comes from faith, that grows through unselfish love, that respects the “fundamental duty of love of neighbour, without which it would be unbecoming to speak of Joy.” We realize that joy is demanding; it demands unselfishness; it demands a readiness to say with Mary: “Be it done unto me according to thy word.”

I am reminded of my favorite words in our burial service, which come at the Commendation, at the very end. When we have said all that we can say, and offered all our prayers, I walk to stand next to the casket. And the final prayer commending our beloved to God begins:

You only are immortal, the creator and maker of mankind; and we are mortal, formed of the earth, and to earth shall we return. For so did you ordain when you created me, saying,
“You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” All of us go down to the dust; yet even at the grave we make our song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

“Yet even at the grave we make our song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.” This is what it is to be an Easter people. To rejoice defiantly, in the face of a world of suffering and death. To rejoice, in the faith that this is not the end. To acknowledge a mystery that we can never understand, to commit ourselves to live up to a love that we can never deserve, to stand at the edge of the grave and proclaim God’s praise.

It is not easy to love our neighbors as ourselves. It is not easy to practice rejoicing in a world of pain. It is not easy to be made of dust, as we are. And yet we cannot choose to be immortal instead. We cannot choose to remain invulnerable. We cannot choose not to suffer, in this life; we can only choose whether to stay silent and speechless, or whether to be an Easter people, whether, together, to make our song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

The Lord is Risen Indeed—Or Is He?

The Lord is Risen Indeed—Or Is He?

00:00 / 9:35

Sermon — Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Rev. Greg Johnston

Lectionary Readings

Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

“Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed”—Or is he?

If you were Mary or Mary or Salome on that first Easter morning, you might not be so sure. These women, the most faithful of the disciples, come to the tomb in shock. Jesus’ death on Good Friday was the last thing they’d expected. They had stayed with Jesus to the end. They were the only ones to see where he was laid to rest, but there had been no time to bury him. So they wait in grief and mourning through the long Sabbath day of rest, and as soon as it ends they rush out to buy spices so they can go and prepare his body in the tomb. Their minds are numb, and all they can do is to ask one another, again and again: Who will roll away the stone that’s covering the entrance to the tomb? They weren’t expecting to see Jesus die, but they’re certainly expecting to find him dead.

But the stone has been rolled away. And Jesus’ body is gone. After a cryptic message from a mysterious young man, the women flee in fear. And their Easter morning culminates, not in Alleluias and candy-filled eggs, not with the sight of flowers beginning to bloom or the taste of a festive Easter brunch, but with terror and amazement and speechless, wordless fear.

Now, it is unlikely that you will flee from church this morning. But in other ways, you may find yourself very much in the position of those women at the tomb. In fact, all of us are. Whether you’ve been dragged here this morning by your family against your will, or you’ve been a faithful Christian all your life, the situation is the same: When you hear the message of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday in 2024, you are put in the position of Mary and Mary and Salome. You’ve been told the good news of the Resurrection, but you don’t get to see the Risen Lord. The tomb is empty, the body is gone, and some “young man, dressed in a white robe” (gesture at self) says that “he is risen!”—but there’s no proof. Not the kind that counts. Paul enumerates to the Corinthians a half-dozen times that Jesus appeared after rising from the dead, but we just get the words: “He is not here. He has been raised. He is going ahead of you to Galilee.”

Of all these things, I think it’s easiest to believe that “he is not here,” at least in his expected human form. (Let me double check… No. Unless he got a haircut.) But even then, on Easter Day, it was true. Jesus had been raised from the dead. But this was a Resurrection, not a resuscitation. He wasn’t there with the women in the same form, as if he’d woken up from a nap. He was alive, but his life had changed. He hadn’t come back to finish the work the disciples thought he was there to do, to establish the kingdom of God on earth and usher in an age of justice, love, and peace. “He is not here,” the young man says, the human Jesus that you knew is gone. That part of his life is staying in the past. He is not setting up his kingdom here.

And whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, surely you agree that the world we are living in is not the community of peace and love that Jesus had proclaimed. Surely this is not what Isaiah meant when he said that God will wipe away the tears from our eyes. Our whole world is ripped apart by war. Our own lives might not be going as smoothly as we’d imagined. We get sick and suffer and it’s easy to believe that Jesus is not here among us.

It’s harder to believe that “he has been raised.” And yet on Easter, that is the hope that we proclaim, in the face of all the rest. To say that Jesus has been raised is to say that suffering and death are never the end of the story. To say that Jesus has been raised is to say that the forces of violence and injustice do not win out in the end. To that say Jesus has been raised is to say that God loves you so much that long ago, God became human like you, and laid down God’s own life for you, so that one day you, too, would rise again. It’s this promise that’s the hard one to accept, and yet this one offers us our final greatest hope: that after all our heartbreak, and after all our joy; after all our loss and all our love we will one day live again in a world in which, finally, God will wipe away the tears from our eyes.

But the message of Easter is more than a hopeful promise about the future. The message of Easter is not just that if you suffer along meekly in this life “you’ll get pie in the sky when you die,” as Joe Hill wrote. What that young man tells the women at the tomb is not just that Jesus is not here, and it’s not just that he has been raised—It’s that he is going ahead of you. To Galilee, in fact. Back home, where they’d just come from. Jesus is not setting up the kingdom of God in the holy city, ruling over perfect people in perfect peace. Jesus is out there in the world. Back there at home. With us, however perfect or imperfect we may be. And if we’re looking for Jesus, that’s where we should look. That’s where God’s work is being done. Not in the place where they expect to mourn him, in the darkness of the tomb. But in the thousand places we will meet him, alive, transformed, and working in this world.

And maybe that’s the hardest thing. Maybe that’s the terrifying part, the final word that causes them to flee. Jesus is not here any more, not in the way we expect. But neither has he disappeared. He is out there, all around you, and every day the kingdom of God is being revealed. In every bud that survives the frost to bloom, God’s beauty is revealed. In every moment of unnecessary kindness from a neighbor or a friend, God’s love overflows. Every time you forgive someone for something they’ve done to hurt you, every time you are forgiven, our world is draws one step closer the dream of God. And with every step you take down the road of your life, Jesus is going ahead of you, reminding you, by whatever means he can, that God loves you exactly as you are, and inviting you walk in love without fear or regret, because when all the powers of evil and death have done their worst, he will raise you up nevertheless. And we have nothing to lose in this life but the chance to love one another, as he has loved us.

You know, there’s a funny thing about that last verse of the Gospel of Mark. “They said nothing to anyone,” Mark writes, “for they were afraid.” And yet here we are, two thousand years later, because they were afraid, but they also had a choice. They could choose to believe that Jesus had failed to live up to their hopes, that his body had been stolen, that the young man’s words were a hoax. They could sneak out of the city in fear, and go back to Galilee, and live the rest of their lives in the shadow of those days. But they chose instead to believe that it was true: that he was risen, and he was going ahead of them to Galilee. They chose to hope, instead, to live the rest of their lives looking for one more glimpse of the one who loved them, and taught them to love; and who was with them still along the way.

So: Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Few of Days and Full of Trouble (Holy Saturday)

Few of Days and Full of Trouble (Holy Saturday)

00:00 / 10:19

Sermon — Holy Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Rev. Greg Johnston

Lectionary Readings

“A mortal, born of woman, few of days and full of trouble,
comes up like a flower and withers, flees like a shadow
and does not last. Do you fix your eyes on such a one?”
(Job 14:1–2)

The Book of Job is an arcane, almost archaic poetic text. Its Hebrew vocabulary and terminology are so obscure at times, its meaning so unclear, that Biblical scholars will plumb the depths of their knowledge of ancient languages trying to determine the meaning of some of its phrases. They pull out the latest work in comparative North-West Semitic linguistics and Old Babylonian philology, trying to determine what a particular word means and come up short. Ironically, though, the book as a whole is simple in its meaning. And of all the books in the Bible, you might say that it’s among the most modern in its concerns. The Book of Job opens with a short fable about Job’s misfortune and suffering, and closes with a tidy little chapter in which he lives happily ever after. But in between, we just get readings like this: chapter after chapter and verse after verse in which Job cries out to God, begging for an explanation—and listening to the less-than-helpful speeches of his friends.

“There’s hope for a tree!” Job says. “If it’s cut down, it can sprout again.” And Job is right. If you walk down to the back side of the Doherty Playground over Bunker Hill right now you can see the proof. There’s a gnarled old stump there that Murray has decided is a troll. It’s four feet wide, grizzled, and mossy, but out of it is growing, this spring, a sprout.

“There’s hope for a tree,” Job says, “But mortals die and are laid low; humans expire, and where are they?” We have all seen perennials come up, year after year, to bloom. We have all seen shoots growing out of the stump of a tree. But we do not see human beings rising from the dead.

On Holy Saturday we read these words of Job at a service that serves as Jesus’ funeral. This service has none of the pomp and parades of Palm Sunday. It has none of the agony and suffering of Good Friday. We don’t get the candlelight and chanting of the Easter Vigil, or the bells and fancy hats of Easter Sunday. Instead, we lay Jesus to rest. We hear the Gospel story of his burial in the tomb, and we offer prayers taken from our burial service: the same prayers that could be said at a funeral service for you or I, we’ll say today for Jesus.

On Holy Saturday, Jesus rests in the tomb. And we rest, too, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for God to answer Job out of the whirlwind. Waiting for God to answer us: Because Job’s questions really are modern questions. So often, in human life, these are questions we share. Why, God, are things not the way they ought to be? Why do the people we love become sick and die, long before they reach old age? Why are bombs still falling, all around the world? Mortal human beings like us suffer in a thousand ways, large and small, and then we die.

In medieval times, we would have wondered where to place the blame. We would’ve assumed that God must be punishing us, and people do still sometimes think this way. But by and large the question modern people ask is more like Job’s: Do you fix your eyes on such a one, God? In other words: Is there anyone out there watching? Is there a God who cares? Or is the universe, after all, nothing but atoms and void?

And the almost-unbelievable good news of the Christian faith is that God’s answer to Job’s question—“Do you fix your eyes on such a one?”—is “Yes.” And so much more. God is keeping an eye on us, God does care for us, so much that God became one of us, and suffered like one of us, and died for all of us—so that God might make us like those trees, from which new life can grow, long after they are reduced to stumps. And when we read these words of mourning and despair from Job on Holy Saturday, there’s a kind of dramatic irony. We know something that Job doesn’t know, and it’s that despite all the suffering and disappointment of this world, he should not give in to despair. God is not in an far-off, uncaring world. God is here, suffering too; dying, too. And God is transforming that suffering and death into something new, and just as Jesus rose from the dead, we will rise again, too.

On Holy Saturday, we aren’t quite there yet. Holy Saturday is still a day of stumps. But even now, the hidden work begins. On the one hand, Christ is resting in the grave. On the other, as Peter tells us, Christ is proclaiming the gospel even to the dead. Tradition calls this “the harrowing of hell,” the moment on Saturday when it seems to us that Jesus is at rest, but in reality, he’s down among the souls of the departed, preaching good news to them, too.

In our eyes, in this Holy Saturday world, sometimes it looks like God’s work has stopped.  Even now, the hidden work of Easter has begun—Christ is bring forth new life from the deepest, darkest places. Even now, something is going on in your life’s deepest, darkest places, something that you cannot yet imagine and yet which will make everything new.

You cannot see it yet. None of us can. But somewhere, in the place you’d last expect it—maybe even in the sealed-off tomb, in the place from which you thought nothing could come—something new is becoming real.