The Rainbow of Wrath

The Rainbow of Wrath

00:00 / 11:34

Sermon — February 18, 2024

The Rev. Greg Johnston

Lectionary Readings

I know an avid golfer, and a couple years ago she told me about a great new system she had for working on her swing. There were all these small tips she’d gotten over the years from her coach that she wanted to internalize. So she distilled them down into sticky-note-sized reminders and then posted them on her bathroom mirror, so that as she got ready in the morning, she could be reminded of an important tip. You wash your face, and look up, and see, “Keep your hips loose.” Brush brush brush. “Keep your eye on the puck.” (Clearly golf is not my thing, but you get the point.)

Some of you might find, three days into Lent, that you need the same kind of reminder for yourself. A “DO NOT ENTER” sign posted on the handle of the liquor-cabinet door. An icon of a wagging finger in the place of your go-to social media app. A sticky note, perhaps, on your bathroom mirror, reminding you of this year’s Lenten discipline: “Do Not Yell at the Children.” (I’ll pray for you.)

If you find yourself embarrassed that you need a reminder like this, or else you’ll instantly forget, then: Don’t be! You’re in good company. Because as the Book of Genesis tells us today, even God needs to set a reminder on a post-it note on the proverbial bathroom mirror, something to see when God first wakes up: “Remember: ‘Never Again Make a Flood to Destroy the Earth.’”

After all, that’s where we begin Lent today: with this odd little aside above God’s invention of the rainbow. I don’t know whether the ancient Israelites would have taken this at face value, but it makes me laugh to think that God needs a sign like this, after the great Flood. We human being are apparently so frustrating, that every time it rains, God is tempted to just keep going and wipe everything out again, but God has committed not to do that, and so God puts a rainbow in the sky, so as to “see it and remember the everlasting covenant” that God has made, never to destroy all life again. (Genesis 9:15) At the very least it should give a whole new meaning to the phenomenon of the “double rainbow”: not just an extra-special moment of magic, but a sign that humankind is really getting on God’s nerves.

But there’s something serious in this image, too. And so I want to stay with it, this morning, and ask: What can God’s covenant sign of the rainbow tell us about the nature of our spiritual lives this Lent?

The most unusual thing about this covenant that God makes is that it’s entirely one-sided. You probably know the story of the Flood: Humanity has become so wicked that God decides to wipe us out and start over, but God saves one righteous man named Noah and his family. And Noah builds an ark, and loads in all the animals, two by two: and God floods the earth, and destroys all other life, and then God makes this covenant with Noah.

It’s not like the covenants that God makes in later times with the Israelites. Those covenants are treaties, two-sided agreements in which each side has responsibilities and rights. They’re conditional: over and over, God says, “If you obey the laws and commandments that I am giving you this day, then I will ____…” But this covenant is one-sided, unconditional. God gets nothing in return. God simply promises: “I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the water of a flood.” (Gen. 9:11) God realizes, in this moment, that God can’t control what human beings do. We will sometimes do good. We will sometimes do evil. God can give laws, and send teachers and prophets; but we’re not puppets. God can’t control what we do. But God can choose not to destroy us in return.

And you can do this, too! You can choose how you act, on your own. In this season of Lent, as we focus on repentance and reconciliation, you might consider whether there are relationships in your life where this kind of one-sided covenant is exactly what you need to make. You can’t control how anyone around you behaves. Most of us can barely even control ourselves, but at least we have some influence over what we say and do. So ask yourself: Is there anyone in my life who just gets on my nerves? Anyone who tests me, intentionally or not? Anyone who, despite my best efforts, I simply cannot change? What would it look like for you to give up on that person changing and make an unconditional covenant, instead—to recognize that you cannot control their actions, but you can control your own, and to respond to them, not with destructive anger, but with restraint? In the same way, if there’s some sin, some toxic pattern in your life that you need to give up, you alone can give it up. It’s a one-sided choice. It’s not easy. It’s not always possible. But it is in your power, and your power alone, to commit to it.

What kind of sign do you need to set for yourself to remember to follow through?

God chooses a sign of great beauty. It’s not a wagging finger or an instructive post-it note that God sets in the sky, but a rainbow. The beauty of the sign is intimately linked to the force of destruction: the water vapor that would have flooded the earth, instead refracts light into beauty in the sky. And it’s as if this beauty jars God out of the path of anger: That’s right. This is what water is for.

Lent has its own strange kind of beauty. Fasting from something can feel like a chore, or a struggle. Repenting from some pattern in your life that needs to change can be hard. Reconciling with someone you need to forgive is always more appealing at another time. And yet there can be a beauty in these things. It’s not the beauty of the luxury vacation. It’s the beauty of the desert, of the wilderness, of life pared down to its essentials. It’s the satisfaction of a struggle won. And you might observe how it feels, in your actual body, to give up what you’ve given up, or to take on what you’ve taken on. It might turn out that the beauty of that rainbow is even greater than the satisfaction of destruction; that your Lenten practice this year is not all self-denial and discipline, but contains some gift for you as well.

But in the end, here’s the thing: Lent is about God’s work, not ours. We spend our forty days of temptation in the wilderness, and we may feed like we succeed or fail, but Jesus has been there before us. We try to turn away from our destructive ways, but it’s God who’s already pledged never again to flood the earth. The question of Lent is not how we can be more like God, how we can resist temptation, about what we have to learn from this sign of the rainbow. It’s about what God has already done for us.

Because Lent is not just forty days of giving something up with a celebration at the end. Lent is the path that leads to Good Friday. Lent is the road that leads to the Cross, where God fulfills the promise never again to the destroy all flesh, but to be destroyed, instead; the day on which Christ “was put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit,” (1 Peter 3:18) as Peter says, and gave new life to every one of us.

And that is the ultimate beauty of Lent. It’s the beauty of the rainbow: God’s unconditional promise of love. If you succeed in “giving up” for forty days, well done; but still, Good Friday’s coming all the same. And if you fail, again and again and again, or if you never start at all: it’s okay. Jesus has already won the victory for you. Lent is not an achievement, or a way to earn God’s love. It’s just an invitation to learn about ourselves. It’s a way to experiment with our own willpower, always remembering that God loves us, whatever the results; that God’s covenant comes with no strings attached; that “the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near,” whether you repent or not, and whatever you believe about “the good news.” (Mark 1:15)

“For He Knows Whereof You Are Made”

“For He Knows Whereof You Are Made”

00:00 / 10:04

Sermon — Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Rev. Greg Johnston

Lectionary Readings

“As far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our sins from us…
For he himself knows whereof we are made;
he remembers that we are but dust.”
(Psalm 103:12, 14)

I’ll never forget the conversation I had in a hospital room one day in Connecticut, when I was in seminary. I was visiting a woman who’d been suffering for years with various health problems. She’d been in and out of the hospital several times over the last few months. She was sick, and she was tired. And after a few minutes of introductions and small talk that felt like pulling teeth, she looked at me with her eyes full of despair, and said, “I just don’t know why God would do this to me. I thought I was a good person my whole life. I always tried to do the right thing, and I thought I had. I guess I was wrong.” I suddenly realized why she wasn’t so happy to have a chaplain dropping by her room: she really believed that God was punishing her for something, but she had no idea why. And it broke my heart to hear that the spirituality that could have helped alleviate her pain made it worse instead.

I don’t know where along the way through life she’d learned this idea. Maybe she was taught as a child, by teachers or parents trying to get her to behave, that if she followed the rules, God would reward her in this life, and if she broke them, she’d be punished. Maybe she attended a church where preachers told her that mortality was Adam and Eve’s punishment for their primordial sin, or where they hammered home Paul’s statement that “the wages of sin is death.” (Romans 6:23) Maybe it was just her own anxiety in the face of suffering, the need to have control, the need for things to make sense, the hope that if we can simply be good enough, nothing bad will ever happen to us. More likely, it was all of these, and more. It takes a lifetime of experiences to learn these kinds of ideas. And it takes more than one hospital visit from a shiny new seminarian, however charming, to unlearn them.

You might think at first that our Ash Wednesday service could be part of the problem. On Ash Wednesday, after all, our liturgy combines the two themes of sin and death, of repentance and mortality. Its two special features are the imposition of ashes and the Litany of Penitence. With one breath, we remind one another that we are dust, and to dust we shall return; with the next, we confess that even for creatures made of mud, our lives are pretty messy, and we acknowledge the many ways in which each one of us falls short. And I can certainly understand how someone might think that there’s a causal connection here: that if “the wages of sin is death,” then it’s my individual failings that explain my own suffering.

And yet I can’t help but notice that in our Scripture readings tonight, things seem to work the other way around. I think in part this is because we’re living in a very different world. The ancients assumed that misfortune was the result of divine punishment, from one god or another, for sins known or unknown or simply because the gods were cruel. But the prophet Joel spends his time saying something else. Joel doesn’t say that the people have sinned, or that God will punish them, but that God will forgive them, “for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.” It’s never too late, Joel says; “even now” you can return, and God will embrace you as her own. (2:12–13)

Fast forward a few hundred years, and when Paul talks about sin and suffering, it couldn’t be further from what my poor patient learned long ago. For Paul, the difficulty of his life, the depth of his suffering, is not an act of divine punishment or a sign of hidden wrongdoing; it’s the proof that he’s doing something right. If suffering in this life was a measurement of God’s love, then Paul’s is a world turned upside down, in which “we are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet are well known; as dying, and see!—we are alive.” (2 Cor. 8–9) Paul is left with nothing, and yet, by the grace of God, he finds himself possessing everything.

But for me, the “aha!” moment, the link that finally makes sense of this connection between sin and death, repentance and mortality, comes in the psalm. “The Lord is full of compassion and mercy,” the psalmist says, echoing Joel, “slow to anger and of great kindness… He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our wickedness.” So far, so good. We can always use a reminder, especially on Ash Wednesday, that God’s capacity for grace and mercy are far greater than our capacity for sin. But then this: “As a father cares for his children, so does the Lord care for those who fear him. For he himself knows whereof we are made; he remembers that we are but dust.” (Psalm 103:13–14) And it’s that “for” that gets me.

God is full of compassion and mercy. God does not deal out a punishment that fits our crimes. God has removed our sins from us, God cares for us like little children, FOR God knows whereof we are made; God remembers that we are dust. It’s not that we are mortal and fragile, sick and suffering because God is punishing us. That’s not the case at all. We are mortal, and we are fragile; we get sick and we suffer. And God sees us, and God loves us, and as far as the east is from the west, God removes our sins from us, for God knows that we are but dust. Our suffering is not the result of God’s wrath; it’s the source of God’s compassion, God’s choice to come alongside us, and help us bear the load.

So tonight, this Ash Wednesday, remember that you are but dust. Your greatest achievements, the things in life of which you are most proud, will one day be dissolved. Your youth, your health, will crumble into ash; if they’re not already long gone. Even the most powerful legacy will be forgotten one day. But the same is true of your flaws. Your deepest shame, your darkest moments, the ineradicable issues you wish that you could fix, but can’t, will one float away, like so much dust on the wind. There is no shame that you can carry that will last forever, no mistake that can never be undone. God sees you as you are, and God cares for you as you are, because God knows whereof you are made, God knows that you are but dust; and God wants to love you nevertheless: for God is “is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.” Amen.

Lent 101

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Those of you new to the Church, or coming from other traditions, may be wondering how other Episcopalians observe Lent. If so: then this is the post for you!

Lent is a forty-day season leading up to Easter, reflecting the forty days Jesus spent after his baptism being tempted in the wilderness. (If you count, you might notice that there are actually more than forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday — this is because Sundays, which are always feasts of the Resurrection, aren’t technically counted!)

“Lent” isn’t the most helpful name. The English word “Lent” comes from the “lengthening” days of the spring season. In other languages, it’s often some variation on “forty,” like the Spanish word cuaresma from Latin quadrigesima.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Episcopal Church doesn’t prescribe many specific rules for observing Lent. But traditionally, Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and prayer.

The emphasis on repentance during Lent encourages practices of reflection and self-examination. The prayers and Biblical readings we hear during Lent have more of an emphasis on sin and forgiveness than they do during the rest of the year. It is a good season in which to reflect on your life, thinking about what needs to change for you to grow in love of God and love of your neighbor.

If you want to embrace this penitential aspect of Lent, you might decide to spend 10-15 minutes at the end of each day thinking back over the events of the day, and asking yourself, in the tradition of the “Examen”: Where was God present with me today? What happened that I was grateful for? What happened that I regret? What’s my prayer for tomorrow?

People are often familiar with practices of fasting during Lent. In some traditions, this includes the following of relatively stringent rules, such as abstaining from meat or fasting entirely on some days of the week. In the Episcopal Church, as in other Protestant churches, there are no prescribed dietary rules for Lent. However, many people choose to fast in the sense of “giving something up” for Lent as a spiritual discipline. Fasting is not about giving up something that is bad; that’s repentance. It’s about temporarily giving up something that’s good, in the joyful knowledge that you’ll enjoy it again at Easter.

If you want to embrace this practice of fasting during Lent, you might consider whether there’s one good thing that you might give up for forty days. How will this help you understand your own willpower, and your own ability to resist temptation, as Jesus did?

Many others choose to “take something on” for Lent, which can often involve adopting a new practice of prayer. If you’re looking for a new spiritual practice to “take on” this Lent, I’d invite you to consider how you could dedicate 15 minutes a day to spending time with God. What would that look like for you? Is it silent meditation? Reading from the Bible or a spiritual or devotional book? Simply sitting and drinking a cup of coffee without doing anything else? Or maybe volunteering with a community program, offering some of your time to see God’s face in the people you encounter around you?

Lent is a penitential season. It sometimes can feel somber or heavy. (Especially if you’re giving up caffeine.) But I would encourage you to approach it as a season of wilderness joy. Lent is a chance to step back from the noise of the world, and take a breath. It is an invitation to simplify your life, and as hard as it can be to simplify, to give things up, sometimes less is more. And however grim its early weeks may be, Lent leads inevitably toward the joy of Easter: it is, in the end, a season of lengthening days as the light of the Resurrection grows.

On the Mountaintop

On the Mountaintop

00:00 / 10:14

Sermon — February 11, 2024

Pia Bertelli

Lectionary Readings

So, Jesus takes Peter and James and John, and leads them up a high mountain apart, by themselves. We know from Luke’s version of the Transfiguration story he took them up there to pray in peace away from the crowds. I imagine it might have been like heading out for a family trip where the parents know where the family is going, but the children haven’t been told all the details yet. Everyone gets packed into the car and you’re no sooner out of the driveway, or in the case of Jesus and his disciples, headed up the path, when someone says, “How far are we going?” “Why are you taking us up here Jesus? Did you bring any snacks? Peter would’ve been complaining the loudest no doubt.

We don’t know if Jesus had any idea of what was about to happen up on the mountain – the vision, the revelation, the inevitable change that would occur in them. Imagine with me it’s you and your friends or family – you’ve climbed Mt Monadnock or maybe closer the Great Blue Hill. You get to the top. It’s a clear day so, as expected, you can see for miles. In one direction you see the iconic Boston Skyline. From the Great Blue Hill, you see Houghton’s Pond and Ponkapoag Pond. From Mt Monadnock you may see the Green Mountains in Vermont or the White Mountains in New Hampshire. It’s inspiring. You might not be compelled to get down on your knees, (you are after all an Episcopalian and don’t want to create a spectacle), but at least you bow your head and say a prayer of thanks to God for this glorious day, your health, and being with the people you love. You share a snack and descend the mountain, changed perhaps. You have a new awareness, a deeper appreciation.

The mountain top where Jesus and the disciples were must have been a thin place though – a place where earth and heaven are close. They arrive at the top and as they are praying, Jesus is transfigured before them and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach them. Thankfully, Clorox has not co-opted this image for a commercial.  Elijah and Moses appear, and he was talking to them. Certainly, at this point the three disciples must’ve been startled. I imagine Peter wide-eyed, fretfully running to and fro, wringing his hands, as he tells Jesus that it is good for them to be there and suggests they make a dwelling for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. They have had this close encounter with God and Peter wants to stay up on the mountain and savor this numinous experience.

Peter is speechless afterwards, for they were terrified. And, if this experience of dazzling light hasn’t affected them, a cloud comes over them and from the cloud a voice saying, “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!” Got your attention now? If you’re a Trekkie, the line “Resistance is futile” comes to mind.

While I haven’t heard God speak to me from a cloud, (I’m not sure I’d be here today to tell you about it if I had), I did have an experience once while taking communion. There were several hundred people to communicate so the ushers ensured the procession up to the altar was orderly and efficient. I knelt, took the bread and the cup, and then became rooted to the kneeler. I envisioned a javelin of light entering my head and traveling through my body pinning me before the altar. People around me left and another set came. I knew I should move on, but just couldn’t. Thankfully no one tried to shuffle me along and eventually I arose and made my way back to my pew. I couldn’t tell you in what liturgical season that happened or exactly what was happening in my life, but I can tell you that I never took the eucharist the same again. I was altered. I was more intentional as I prepared to line up, more cognizant of what I was partaking in. I was more open to the holy spirit working in me as I accepted the sacrament. More pensive about what it meant to be fed by the body and blood of the lamb.

Back to our story of the disciples on the mountain top. After seeing AND hearing God, Jesus must get the disciples off that mountain. Jesus knows they cannot build a dwelling and live a top this mountain like an ascetic might. His work to proclaim God’s love is down below with the people. On their way down, he gives them a glimpse of what is to come and what he wants them to do. He orders them to tell no one about what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 

Elisha also has a dazzling experience. He knows Elijah will soon be taken and he is sticking close to him even though he knows exactly where Elijah is going, and they will be traveling a long distance. His devotion is remarkable and for his constancy he asks for a double-share of Elijah’s spirit. He wants to continue Elijah’s work and is not afraid to ask for what he needs. Elijah tells Elisha if he sees him taken, he may inherit what he asks for, if not, he may not. It is in the hands of God. A chariot of fire and horses of fire come, separates the two and Elijah is taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha has been steadfast and experienced the vision he needs to be changed. He responds in grief and tears his clothes in two pieces. I’d say come back next week to learn if God has indeed granted him a double-portion of Elijah’s spirit, but it’s not the scripture for next week so I’ll tell you.

Fifty men go out looking for Elijah even though Elisha tells them they won’t find him. It is confirmed, the prophet is gone, and they are left with Elisha who does not disappoint but goes on to heal the bad water and the unproductive fields in Jericho. Next, he devises a battle plan to defeat the Moabites. 2 Kings is full of tales of Elisha successes, including the juicy story of Jezebel. He is clearly given a double-portion of Elijah’s spirit and I commend the book to you.

In both scripture readings, and in Psalm 50, where God has come in a consuming flame and a raging storm, the experience of God has been overwhelming. I cannot imagine praying to experience the countenance of Jesus and being so dazzled, but also do not want to be veiled, as Paul refers to the unbelievers in Corinth. Paul reminds the Corinthians, God said, “Let light shine out of darkness” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Paul has given the Corinthians, the disciples and us the next set of directions. Rather than telling people about the mystical experience they had up on the mountain, the disciples must show the message of God’s love. Paul tells the Corinthians they must be slaves for Jesus’ sake. He doesn’t tell them to be a slave TO Jesus but for his sake – to give up, to modify, to align oneself with the mission of Jesus to bring in God’s kingdom. We need to allow the divine in us and reflect the light out. To bring in a kingdom here on earth where everyone’s worth is acknowledged and valued. A kingdom where everyone is called to participate.    

Transfiguration Sunday, the last day of Epiphany, with scriptures recounting mystical visions and theophany, is the threshold of reading about Jesus’ life and Lent, where we focus on his journey to the cross. Today, as we prepare for Lent, I ask, how will you prepare yourself? What will your Lenten practice be – prayer, meditations, paying attention to your visions and dreams? What will you pray for – a double share of spirit? Visions from God in dazzling white? I think we need only take our cue from the Collect for today and pray to behold by faith the countenance of Jesus so that we might be changed into his likeness and live a life of transforming, redemptive love.

In the name of the one who named the world, Amen.

Peeling Something Away

Many people follow the tradition of fasting in Lent, “giving something up” as a symbol of repentance and as an exercise in spiritual discipline, designed ultimately to test and strengthen the will. Others choose instead to “take something on,” choosing a way to serve the community or a new spiritual practice, with the same ends in mind. This year, for example, our Sunday School students will be leading the whole church in a season of gathering donations of clothing and food, inspired by the “40 Bags in 40 Days” decluttering challenge. (More on that to come!)

For myself, this year, I’m thinking of Lent as a chance to “peel something away.” I don’t plan to fast from my cup of morning coffee or my (less frequent) evening bowls of salt-and-vinegar chips. I’ll probably try to abstain from alcohol, as I have the last few years during Lent. But mostly, this year, I’m planning to peel away a few of the deeply-engrained habits that just aren’t giving me life.

In other words: I’m breaking up with my phone.

Not the actual “telephone call” feature of the phone, to be clear, but all the rest: continually opening up one social-media app or another, expecting to see something interesting or outrageous; starting off the morning with a digital doom-scroll to see the latest news; distracting myself from settling down with a book by constantly checking email. To all the myriad distractions that promise relaxation but instead just leave me on edge, to all the temptations to fuel my own outrage, to the constant connection that never quite connects, I humbly bid adieu.

This isn’t a “fast,” per se; fasting means giving up something that’s good, to take it up again in the future. It certainly isn’t “taking something on.” It feels exciting. It feels like a relief. I’m sure that it will be incredibly hard. I know that I will fail, over and over again.

This is “repentance,” at its best: a turning away from a path of destruction toward another that leads to life. In Hebrew, repentance is teshuvah, “returning,” and that’s my goal this Lent: I want to return to the way I related to the world before I had a smartphone. I want to be present with people when I am present with people, not to be looking down at a screen. I want to read a book before I go to bed, not bathe my eyes in blue light. I want to peel something away this Lent, not as a temporary fast, but in the hope that my path is changed.

What about you? What’s the test of your willpower this Lent? What’s the gift that you might give the world? What is it that you need to give up, or take on, or peel away, to come one step closer to the promise of abundant life?