Heaven is a Place on Earth

Heaven is a Place on Earth

00:00 / 13:00

Sermon — November 3, 2024

The Rev. Greg Johnston

Lectionary Readings

Is anyone here familiar with the work of Belinda Carlisle?

In the 1980s, she wrote some pretty interesting things that touched on what Christian theologians call “eschatology,” the study of the “last things.” Eschatology means thinking about what exactly we mean when we say, in the Nicene Creed, that we look for “the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.” And in many ways Carlisle’s work really resonates with our first two readings today, which are two of my favorite passages in the Bible, these powerful visions Isaiah and John the Divine had of a new heaven and a new earth.

You may think you have no idea who or what I’m talking about right now, but I think it’s very likely that that you have, in fact, heard Belinda Carlisle’s reflection on life in the new Jerusalem. It goes like this: “Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth!”

That isn’t even really a joke.

“They say in Heaven, love comes first,” she sings. Well, that’s certainly true, theologically speaking. “We’ll make Heaven a place on Earth,” she goes on—which I think is supposed to be, like, a romantic thing, but it actually works really well as a statement of Christian ethics. And then she really gives us a keen theological insight in the bridge: “In this world, we’re just beginning / to understand the miracle of living.” Belinda: That’ll preach.

Now, I don’t know if Belinda Carlisle is a woman of faith. The nature of the music video implies that she might have something more earthy in mind with this metaphor; also, there are a lot of people dancing around with globes. (Never mind.)

But I have to say: If Belinda Carlisle’s “Heaven is a place on earth” is over on one side of a theological spectrum, and the most common ideas of what “heaven” means in our culture are on the other, then you have to admit that the view that you find reflected in the prophecies of Isaiah and of John is a lot closer to Ms. Carlisle’s than you might think.

Both the prophet Isaiah, in the 8th century BC or so, and the seer John the Divine, in the 1st century after Christ, envision “the world to come” not as one in which we leave this world behind and go away to be with God, but one in which God comes down to earth to be with us. Isaiah sees God coming to the people “on this mountain,” on Mount Zion in Jerusalem itself. (25:6) The Lord of hosts will host “a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines.” The good things of this world aren’t left behind, they’re embraced, enriched, and multiplied. But the hard things of this world are wiped away. The shroud cast over us is destroyed, the sheet that’s spread over us is removed; in other words, God swallows up death itself, and wipes away the tears from our eyes. (25:7-8)

In the Book of Revelation, John picks up that same thread. He sees a new heaven and a new earth, a holy city coming down to us from God. John sees God dwelling with us as God’s people, and “wiping every tear from our eyes.” For “See? The home of God is among mortals.” (Rev. 21:3)

That’s very different from the way we tend to think about things in 2024, even in the church. When we think about the life of the world to come, when we reflect on what happens after death, we tend to talk about how someone has gone away to be with God in their eternal home in what is, hopefully, “The Good Place.” But wait! Revelation seems to say. It’s not so much that our true home is out there, somewhere, with God. It’s that God’s true home is here with us. The world to come will be a better place not because we’ve left this world behind, but because this world has been transformed by the presence of a holy and living and loving God.

In other words: “Ooh! Heaven is a place on earth.” And what we think of as heaven, the place where the souls of all the departed rest in the hands of God, is exactly that, a resting place where they wait until the resurrection of the dead, when we will live again with them once more.

Which sounds, to me, even better than all the harps.

I don’t know what’s happening in your soul this All Saints’ Day.

Perhaps you’re here, mourning the loss of someone in your life who’s died, very recently or very long ago. Perhaps one or two of the names in our prayers today, silent or out loud, will make you choke up, and you won’t be able to say the response, because that pain is still there. And I have to admit, that might be the case for me, too. Or maybe hearing one of those names will fill your heart with gratitude for their life, and remind you of their love. Maybe both. And there’s a reason that we pause, together, once a year, to say these prayers.

Perhaps you’re here, rather anxious about the election process that is already simmering along, and will reach full boil on Tuesday, and will not, by the grace of God, boil over when it is decided some time in the next few weeks. Perhaps it’s one outcome or the other that keeps you up at night. Perhaps it’s concern about the safety and stability of the work of American democracy itself. Perhaps it’s the estrangement that our politics have caused in your life, from other people with whom you no longer want to speak. And there’s a reason that we pause, together, not once every four years but every year, to hear these words from long ago about a holy city coming down to us from God.

Perhaps you’re simply enjoying your life in this world; maybe things are good, and you don’t want to think about leaving them behind. Perhaps you love your family and your friends, your work, your life. Perhaps you don’t; maybe things aren’t so good. Maybe your body hurts. Maybe you’re sick, and tired. Maybe there’s or two that you wouldn’t mind having wiped away from your eyes. And—not to repeat myself too much—there’s a reason we pause every year, to remember that the life of the world to come is a life like this one, but with the goodness deepened and the sorrows wiped away.

When God raised Jesus from the dead, we believe, it wasn’t the end of the story of the Resurrection; it was the first glimpse of the life of the world to come. However incredible it is, the Christian hope is that we will one day live again in a world where “death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.” (Rev. 21:4)

And there’s good news there. But there’s also a challenge.

I’ll never forget an afternoon workshop I spent sitting in the undercroft beneath the chapel of the Society of St. John the Evangelist. For those who don’t know, SSJE is an order of Episcopal monks who have a monastery just up the river, right on Mem Drive in Cambridge. It was a workshop on “community,” in all its beauty and complexity. And I think it was Brother Curtis Almquist and Brother David Vryhof, two very dear, kind, loving men who’ve spent a long time living in close quarters with a group of other monks, who—like all human beings—sometimes have rough edges.

So during the Q&A, somebody described a conflict they were having with someone. I can’t remember what it was. But I do remember that Curtis listened to them carefully, and he replied—And this is my Curtis impression—“Mm. Mm. …Mm. God loves you. God loves you so much. God wants to spend eternity with you. And them. Together.”

If you’re missing someone who’s gone, this All Saints’ Day, the good news is that God wants to spend eternity with you, and them, together. And if you’re struggling to understand, this All Saints’ Day, how someone could be voting differently from you, how someone could support someone who’s so clearly the wrong choice for the office of the President, then that’s the challenge: God wants to spend eternity with you, and them, and that candidate for office, together. Surely we can’t really believe that the political beliefs of the people with whom we disagree are enough to separate them from the love of God. And so we’re left with the unpleasant fact that we’re going to have to find a way to live together. And we might as well start practicing now.

And that’s the invitation, here. We can begin to live, even now, as if we are in that holy city to come. We can begin to live, even now, as if our lives are governed by compassion and love. We can participate in the process by which God is making all things new, already, here and now. We can try to draw back the curtain and let the heavenly reality lying behind all things be revealed, because, as it turns out, heaven will one day be “a place on earth.”

For All the Saints

You may know that tomorrow is the Feast of All Saints. It’s one of the easiest dates to memorize in the church year, in large part because it falls on the day after the Eve of All Saints’, also known as All Hallows’ Eve or, in some quarters, Hallowe’en. (You all spell it with the apostrophe… right?)

Halloween, of course, is a major holiday in our secular year, but it stays true to its ecclesiastical origins. While it’s veered off a bit in recent years, Halloween still fits in recognizably with the sequence of All Saints’ on November 1 followed by All Souls’ Day on the 2nd, a day on which we commemorate all those who have died. In the church, All Saints is a major holiday too, a significant enough day that, unlike other, lesser feasts, we tend to celebrate it on the Sunday following, in addition to our celebrations during the week.

And so it is that most years, on the first Sunday in November, you’ll often find yourself standing in church, singing the beautiful hymn, “For all the saints.”

It’s a beloved hymn, and one that sums up the Episcopal or Anglican attitude to the saints fairly well, I think. Take a read through the first verse:

For all the saints, who from their labors rest,
who thee by faith before the world confessed,
thy Name, O Jesus, be forever blessed.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

There are a few things worth observing here:

It’s worth saying, first of all, that the “saints” are not just some specific set of especially-holy people. “Saints,” in this hymn or anywhere else in our church, doesn’t refer to a canonical set. We use “saints” in the Biblical sense, as when St. Paul addresses a letter “to the saints who are in Ephesus” (Eph. 1:1). The saints are all the “holy people of God,” living and dead, and that’s not only St. Paul or St. Monica or St. Martin Luther King, Jr.—that’s you, and me, and your Aunt Joan who first brought you to church when you were young.

Like any good hymn, this is a prayer. But it isn’t a prayer to the saints. It doesn’t address the saints, asking for their help or prayers. It’s always fine to ask a friend for prayer, living or departed, but we don’t need their help; we can address our words directly to God.

And while we begin with the words “For all the saints,” this hymn isn’t a prayer for all the saints. We aren’t asking for their prayers; but neither are we offering our prayers for them. It can comfort us to pray for those whom we have loved and lost; it certainly can’t hurt, in any case. But this is not a prayer for them; it’s not a prayer for God to give them something good or save them from something bad.

Instead, it’s a prayer of thanksgiving and wonder. “For all the saints who from their labors rest…thy name, O Jesus be forever blessed.”

The history of the world, and of each one of our lives, has been full of holy people. They were people, still, and therefore imperfect. But they were, and they are, holy people, people who have inspired us to be the best, most loving versions of ourselves. Some of them are famous. Some of them are completely unknown. But all of them have left their mark on our lives.

Sometimes we might ask them for their prayers, and be comforted by the reminder that we share some mysterious, ongoing relationship with our ancestors and departed friends. Sometimes we might pray for them, putting words to our yearning for them to be at peace. And this day—on All Saints’ Day—we can simply offer thanks to God that they lived, and bless God for creating a world that has such people in it.

A Slight Change of Plans

A Slight Change of Plans

00:00 / 10:02

Sermon — October 27, 2024

Michael Fenn

Lectionary Readings

A fun fact about me this summer: I had a minimum of one hundred cups of water thrown in my face. For those of you who don’t know, this summer, I had the privilege of serving as the Assistant Camp Director at the Barbara C. Harris Camp. A summer camp that is run in association with the Diocese of Massachusetts. As you would imagine, we get into a lot of odd and sticky situations because you have dozens of children, a handful of counselors, and a whole summer camp with a lake, sports fields, arts and crafts, and so much sugar. 

One of the fun things we did was a water carnival. For the uninitiated, it involves remaking your classic field games with water-based elements. You use a big bucket of water for the “goose” in duck-duck-goose, for example. The first week, it went ~~swimmingly~~, we had some logistical hitches (the cups we were using for one of the games kept breaking, though such are logistical hitches at summer camp). But overall, it was all going very well—until–I hear a piercing scream and see a rabid band of teenage girls sprinting for one of the big buckets we were using to refill the game stations. 

Now, I think if you are a parent or have worked in childcare before, you will know the difference between “good scream” and “bad scream”. Two thoughts went through my head very quickly: these were good screams, and I know what is going to happen next. The moment the other children (and counselors) realized what was happening…all bets were off. Any structure to whatever games we were running broke down as mobs of children descended on the closest refill station with whatever receptacle (re: water based weapon) they had in hand.

In the moment, there was a feeling of loss as the very well-thought out afternoon I had meticulously planned for the benefit of these campers gave way to absolute chaos. There was a brief period of uncertainty as I locked eyes with the camp director–I again suspect many parents will know what I am talking about–and wondered if something dangerous was about to happen that we needed to stop. And a lot of feelings of water in my eyes as the campers I so dedicatedly served day after day repeatedly threw cups of water in my face–in their defense,  I did, as Assistant Camp Director, comandeer the main hose for my weapon of choice at the beginning of this water altercation. 

As we ran out of the various sources of water, and shut off the hose, and people stopped and looked around, there was exactly what I had expected: a bunch of happy campers and counselors. In that afternoon, something that easily could have been a disaster or disapointment instead became an amazingly fun moment.  

Believe it or not, this is reflected in our scriptures: in our moments when we feel helpless, or when things are falling apart, God is still operating towards our restoration.

In Mark today we experience an example of a miraculous restoration of a beggar. I think it is easy to say that this man is restored from blindness to sightedness–though I don’t think that is exactly a faithful reading. The first reason is that Eli, an important teacher and leader, is blind for at least one important part of his story. This shows that rather than blindness being this beggar’s primary issue, it is the fact that his community abandoned him in a time of need that is the issue. The second reason I think it isn’t about the blindness per say is that Jesus asks the man what it is he wants–Jesus does not assume that what this man needs is his sight. Of course, the transformation that takes place restores this man’s sight, like he asks, but it seems to be more about his place in the community rather than the specific faculties he has. As we engage with this miraculous action of Jesus, it would behove us to remember this. 

In any case, in Mark Jesus acts for the restoration of this man. It is crowded, Jesus and the disciples are approaching Jerusalem and the events of the crucifixion. It is probably already chaotic and overstimulating, and this beggar imposes himself on an already inconvenient situation. Jesus, in the chaos of the situation and in what appears to be the hopelessness of this man’s life, intervenes acts for his restoration. Similarly, in Jeremiah, God promises to restore the people and gather them back to Him after they have been under exile. Not only that, God promises to gather them from the farthest parts of the earth, and to gather all the people–not just the able bodied people who can travel easily. He promises to restore all of His people, and bring them back with consolation. 

It is easy to say that God acts for our restoration if the stakes are water in your face, and maybe a few children with some water stuck in their ears. It is also easy to recognize this restorative activity of God as something that has happened to these Bibilical heroes, and relegate it to the dust of ancient history. 

Maya Shankar was studying the violin at Julliard, and was by all accounts going to be one of the best violinists of our time. The entirety of her life revolved only around one thing, one instrument, and being great at it. Until one normal day, when she was practicing like she did every other day, she permanently injured her hand–and would never be able to play the violin ever again. The entirety of what she built her life on was suddenly ripped out from under her, all of the time she had spent over the course of decades was entirely wasted. 

Maya Shankar would eventually go on to receive her doctorate in neuroscience many years after this tragic twist of fate. In her life now she hosts a popular podcast called “A Slight Change of Plans” where week after week she interviews people whose lives have been completely overturned by some force: career-ending injuries like her own, but also other accidents and tragedies that have robbed people of their life’s work, and even sense of identity. 

In each case though, these people find that they are not actually as “done” as they thought they would be. If you had asked Dr. Shankar at Julliard what she would have done without being able to play the violin, she would have told you that her very life, her reason of existence, would be entirely gone. And yet, here she is today with an award winning podcast that provides not only a sense of meaning to Dr. Shankar, but also is a phenomenal help to others who may be experiencing something like she did. Even in a career ending injury, robbed of her mission in life, it does not seem like God was done acting in Dr. Shankar’s life. Like our beggar who transforms into a follower of Christ, and like the people who are brought back from exile, Dr. Shankar found a restoration after an immense tragedy, and helps others find their restoration after tragedy.

I have given you a relatively silly example–water fights at summer camp. And a relatively extreme example in Dr. Shankar. Though maybe you, like Dr. Shankar, were at some point going to be the next “great” in whatever skill you pursued. I suspect though, that many of us find ourselves in a more ordinary mess than that. We may not be a beggar on the road outside Jericho, nor are we in exile, and we likely have not experienced career ending tragedies. Our messy situations might be harder to define: bad grades, lost or strained relationships, goals we never acheived, promotions we did not get, or other shortcomings and disappointments that add up.

Even so, our scriptures today remind us that even when things are falling apart–like a group of rabid teenagers descending on you with water to throw in your face; when things seem hopeless–like a blind beggar maligned by his society; when we have a career ending injury, and our life’s purpose is irreversibly taken away from us; or when we amount what might be a more normal amount of failures, God is never done with us. Not only that, but that God is the master of taking what we believe to be a hopeless situation, a blind beggar, a people far away from home in exile, and showing us that our notions of hopelessness are not God’s plan. 

Archbishop Desmond Tutu puts it better than I could: “There is no such thing as a totally hopeless case. Our God is an expert at dealing with chaos, with brokenness, with all the worst that we can imagine. God created order out of disorder, cosmos out of chaos, and God can do so always, can do so now”. In Jeremiah God led the people from a sense of brokenness to a sense of wholeness, in Mark God made a beggar a follower of Christ, and God is operating in our world and in our lives today. In the name of the one who loved us first. Amen

The Pelican in her Piety

There is much that could be said about the consecration of our new bishop on Saturday, but one image in particular stuck out to me from that day.

The cover art on the (forty-six page!) bulletin for the service was taken from a mosaic in Aachen Cathedral, in Germany. The mosaic depicts “The Pelican in her Pietry,” a classic medieval image of Christ. Medieval scholars believed (for whatever reason) that pelicans “nurse” their young by piercing their breasts to feed them with their own blood, a symbol that seemed to evoke both Christ’s sacrificial self-offering on the Cross and his continual self-offering in the Eucharist.

It is an image of Christ, as the program for the consecration notes, that is “both eucharistic and maternal in nature.”

It was an image that I was thinking about as I read through the bulletin while waiting for the service to begin. I happened to be sitting next to a dear friend, a priest with two young children even smaller than mine, someone with whom I’ve shared much of the complicated and sometimes-difficult experiences of parenthood and parish ministry alike. For both of us, having a bishop who is the mother of three teenagers and young adults was meaningful.

I was moved by the way in which this image of the pelican is a beautiful and complicated one: a depiction of the ways in which we offer ourselves to feed the people we love, and are fed by God’s own self-offering in turn.

But I was especially struck by a momentary glimpse, when Bishop Julia, after being vested, happened to turn—and we could see this image on her back.

What an image to choose, as the new leader of our portion of the church. It’s something I’ll be sitting with for a while. What does it mean to feed the people of our diocese from your own blood? What does it mean to be fed? What does it mean to carry this on your back, at every visitation, ordination, confirmation—at every sacramental event at which you serve during your time as bishop? How is this a comforting reminder of the maternal nature of a bishop’s ministry? And isn’t it kind of a troubling one?

I hope you’ll join your prayers with mine for Bishop Julia as her ministry officially begins. Bishop Alan has handed over the crozier; his time of shepherding our diocese is over, and Bishop Julia’s has begun! May Alan’s retirement offer him time for refreshment and rest, and may the Holy Spirit guide Bishop Julia in the weeks and months ahead!

Other Duties As Assigned

Other Duties As Assigned

00:00 / 11:13

Sermon — October 20, 2024

The Rev. Greg Johnston

I came across an article this week entitled “The Road to Hell is Paved With… ‘Other Duties As Assigned.’”

The author, a recruiter and consultant, writes, “I spend a lot of time talking with employers and candidates about job descriptions. Almost universally, employers list ‘Other duties as assigned’ among the bullet points outlining a given role. The intention is well-meaning on the employer’s part… I mean, the job description cannot effectively capture every job or task you’d ever ask an employee to consider, right?”

But he goes on to describe all the ways in which “other duties as assigned” can become a trap. The phrase is ambiguous when the org chart isn’t quite clear—other duties, “as assigned” by whom? Inessential tasks can end up being prioritized over the core part of the job. The work someone ends up doing day-to-day can be quite different from the task they thought they were signing up for, or what they’re skilled at. “Other duties as assigned” can provide a rationale for all sorts of ill effects.

And yet it occurs to me that much of life consists of taking on “other duties as assigned.” What’s true at work for working people is even more true outside of work for all of us. I think of all the spouses whose relationships transform from a romantic story of love to a less glamorous caretaking role some time later. I think of all the parents whose children’s roads to adulthood aren’t quite the smooth highway they signed up for—surely the job description is to keep them “alive until 25,” right, and then you’re done? I think of church wardens who become, in the event of an emergency, the acting rector of a church; and of clergy who feel God calling them l to preach the good news of Jesus’ love for the world, only to find out that the work of ministry consists in large part of folding and unfolding chairs.

I think of the apostles James and John, who ask to sit at Jesus’ right hand in glory, and at his left; and find that his idea of what that means turns out to be quite different from theirs.

I want to give James and John some credit this week, because their part in this story is actually even worse than it seems. There’s a bit of context skipped over in the transition between last Sunday’s gospel and this one. This story begins, with Jesus and his disciples “on the road, going up to Jerusalem… And, once again,” Mark writes, “taking the Twelve aside, Jesus began to tell them about what was about to happen. ‘Look,’” Jesus says, “‘we’re going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they’re going to hand him over to the Romans… who will beat him, and kill him, and after three days, he’ll rise again.”

And it’s then, in the middle of this speech, that James and John come up to ask: “Is there still space in the C-suite here? Have you filled those openings for a left- and right-hand man?”

I’m sorry— Were you even listening to what he just said?

They clearly weren’t, and Mark gives it away with a single, well-placed word in the narrative. He writes that Jesus began to tell them about what was to happen… and while Mark the narrator lets Jesus finish for our sake, James and John jump in, interrupting Jesus before he’s had to finish saying the rest.

But they already know it all. This isn’t the first time he’s predicted his suffering and death. They’re going up to Jerusalem, where it’s all going to go down. But the disciples are stuck in an old frame of mind. They’re still thinking he’s going to establish a new kingdom on earth. They want to be enthroned at his right hand and his left “in glory.”

But if you’ve ever seen a painting of the crucifixion, or heard the story of the Passion, you know what it means to be seated at Jesus’ right hand and at his left. It means to be nailed up there, on a cross, one of the two bandits who’ve been crucified on either side.

So Jesus tells them: You can be my right-hand man, or left. You can be my second-in-command—“and other duties, as assigned.”

Well, he doesn’t quite say it that way. He checks: “Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” Absolutely we are, they say. Maybe they’re still imagining the royal cup at the feast and the luxurious bath in the palace. Jesus sizes them up. “You’re going to drink that cup, all right, and you’re going to be baptized like I am. But to sit at my right hand or my left? Well, that part isn’t in my hands to give.”

It’s the Romans, after all, who will choose which of the criminals before them deserve death. And it’s God who’ll decide who sits at Jesus’ right hand in the end.

And then, as he often does, Jesus follows his specific response to a specific situation with a more general point. Among the Gentiles, he says, the leaders “lord it over” them, and their great ones are like tyrants. But not among you. “Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant,” Jesus says. James and John come looking for a promotion, trying to outmaneuver the other disciples with a kind of naïve office politics, as though they could secure the top jobs by simply calling dibs.

But Jesus responds: If you want to be a leader in the church, you need to serve. It’s not the scale of your ambition that matters, but the depth of your service. If I, Jesus, the Son of Man, came not to be served but to serve, to give my life for you—how much more should you be servants of the others in this world? And we extrapolate from this conversation to build up an idea of “servant leadership,” the kind of leadership in which authority comes from being a servant first.

There’s a nuance to what Jesus says here that’s missing in nearly every translation I see.

Jesus doesn’t use what’s called the “jussive” here, the third-person imperative form, in Greek. He doesn’t actually say, “those who wish to become great among you—let them serve!” or “they should serve!” It’s simply the future tense: “Whoever wants to be great among you will be your servant.”

That isn’t a command: “Your leaders must serve!” It isn’t a strategy: “If someone wants to become a leader, she ought to put some service work on the resume.” It’s a simple, declarative claim: Whoever wants to be great, will serve.

Greatness, for a Christian, is found in those “other duties as assigned.”

This implies something for every one of us, whether we think of ourselves as leaders or not. It tells us that our greatness in God’s eyes is not measured by the moments in which we think that we are great. The measure of our greatness is not how close we rise to the top of the organizational chart, but how tenderly we serve whoever’s at the bottom. The moments in our lives when we are closest to Christ are not when we’re surrounded by adoring crowds—they’re the moments when we are barely hanging on.

Ten years after I move on from this church, nobody will know how many times I changed the cover on the changing pad in the bathroom, and brought it home to wash. No one will know that I once spent thirty minutes on the phone trying to help a senior citizen install Zoom—only to fail, because she didn’t have her email password written down. You’ll see me ritually washing people’s feet on many a Maundy Thursday to come, but will you ever ask—Who empties out the foot-wash water? Who washes out the used foot-washing bowl?

No one will know but me, and God, and that’s the way these things should go. And this is true for every one of you, as well. No one will ever stand and applaud you for the diapers you have changed. You might never be thanked for cleaning up the abandoned muffin tray after breakfast at work. No one will know how often you visited a parent or friend who was sick; sometimes they won’t even know you were there.

The things we do to care for one another day to day are some of the most draining and least-prestigious work. But they are the moments in which we are especially dear to God. Because greatness in God’s eyes is not found in sitting in glory at Jesus’ right hand or his left; our greatness comes, day after day, in unnamed, unnoticed, “other duties as assigned.”