Throughout October and November, as we move toward Stewardship Sunday on November 18th, members of the St. John’s community will share reflections on “transforming generosity.” Specifically, parishioners have been asked to reflect on how they have witnessed the transforming effect of generosity, and how their own generosity has transformed over time.

Throughout October and November, as we move toward our Stewardship Commitment Sunday on November 18th, members of the St. John’s community are sharing reflections on “transforming generosity.” Specifically, parishioners have been asked to reflect on how they have witnessed the transforming effect of generosity, and how their own generosity has transformed over time.
This week’s reflection is from St. John’s treasurer, Josh Bresler:
As a child, I was always inspired by the story from the Gospels about the poor widow outside the treasury. Jesus watches the rich put in large gifts as offerings, followed by the widow who puts but two coins into the treasury. Jesus calls the disciples and says, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.”
Coming from a modest background, it was inspiring to hear that anyone can make a difference in his or her community, church or country. Even the poor widow with next to nothing. We give what we can and every single contribution plays a part.
As you know, we are faced with a budget deficit in 2018. St. John’s ministries will cost approximately $258,000. On the revenue side, pledges in 2018 came from 53 individuals/families for a total of $131,520, or an average of $2,482. St. John’s expects roughly $85,500 from non-pledge sources (including rental fees, fundraisers, endowment dividends, and other donations) for a total of $217,000. This leaves us with a deficit of approximately $40,000 for the year. And I expect this deficit to look roughly similar in 2019 without any changes in pledge levels.
Whether you have “abundant riches” or “two coins” at your disposal, please consider the following ways you can help in 2019: Increase your pledge by $780, increase your 2018 pledge by 30% -or- if you have not pledged in the past, please consider making a pledge for 2019.
Additionally, you will note the opportunity on this year’s pledge card to “top up” your existing 2018 pledge to match what you enter as your pledge for 2019. Kate and I will be making this election as a sign of our commitment to St. John’s and all it means to our family and our community.
As you consider your pledge for 2019, please keep in mind all the St. John’s brings to you, your family and the broader community. Please join me in ensuring its financial strength for this year and many years to come.
Josh, and his wife, Kate Ferguson, started attending St. John’s in 2017 and joined the parish at our last annual meeting. Their four children are active in our Children’s Formation programs and Junior Choir, and Josh serves as treasurer of the parish and member of the vestry.