Annual Meeting Highlights

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, February 7, we gathered for our Annual Meeting, after singing ourselves out or worship praising God and singing “Alleluia” one last time before the beginning of Lent. The completed Annual Meeting book is available at church, and you can also download it from this site. If you have not yet read through it, please do, and take note of the extraordinary offerings of persons in our community:

Annual Report of Mission and Ministry in 2015

Highlights of the meeting included receiving the 2016 budget approved by the vestry (found here: St. John’s 2016 Budget), and the election of officers and vestry members.

We are grateful for our new team of leaders: Maureen Lavely, Senior Warden, Bridget Nyhan, Junior Warden, Jake Sterling, Clerk, and Sarge Locke, Assistant Treasurer.  and Fay Donohue, new vestry member. Charlotte Maynard has agreed to continue serving as treasurer, but we are still looking for someone to serve in this capacity for 2016.


Louis Tompros was thanked for nearly a decade of service on the vestry, most recently as our senior warden for three years. He was presented with an icon of St. John as a token of the parish’s gratitude.

As I looked out at those  gathered for the meeting last Sunday, I was filled with gratitude for all that each of you do to enrich our life together. It is  a privilege to serve with you!



“If Only” Can Become “What If”

Dear Friends,

Several weeks ago, a number of folks from St. John’s joined many others from the Charlestown for a community conversation about addiction and the growing opioid addiction crisis. The Rev. Lyn Brakeman, one of our priest associates, attended the meeting and has written this response to what was shared that night. She shares information conveyed by the panel discussion and in the film that was shown. She also invites us to consider the ways in which we as a parish can respond, so that we do not find ourselves saying, “If Only…” but rather, “What if….”

I encourage you to read her entire reflection, which you can find by clicking below.



If Only Can Become What if
by the Rev. Lyn Brakeman

Formed in Faith By All Those Around Us

Dear Friends,St. Nicholas

“A Visit from St. Nicholas” is the original title of “The Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore. Moore’s poem did much to contribute to the development of the figure we now know as Santa Claus. But as our children learned on Sunday December 6th, the tradition of St. Nicholas is much older. A visit to the Godly Play class from this fourth century bishop,  who bore passing resemblance to Steve Spinetto, taught them about a generous and kind Christian who tradition says lived out his faith in a time of struggle and persecution.

As we confront the challenges and struggles of our own day, it is more and more important that we become a community that knows the richness of our past, so that we are formed and shaped by the faithfulness of saints who have gone before us – and by “saints” I mean all believers.

We are also formed by the experiences of each other, living out our faith as the Body of Christ in this time and place. One of you commented the other week about how grateful you are that your children have “grandparents” here in this church. They are no replacement for grandparents living afar, but they offer themselves as guides, as teachers, or as someone in whose lap a child can sit at Coffee Hour and have a story read to her.

On some Sundays, you may not consider it important for you to make the effort to get to church. But have you ever thought that your presence might be essential to someone else who is here that day?

I was grateful to see a saint from the past last Sunday, and I am grateful for the saints I see every Sunday. Our stories merge with the saints before us in common worship and witness to God. Perhaps one of our younger members realized that, when two years ago, she came into church for communion after a visit from St. Nicholas.  As people came to the altar, she noticed Steve Spinetto walking forward, and said excitedly,  “Mom! He looks just like St. Nicholas!”



The Landscape of Advent – November 29, 2015

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The Landscape of Advent – November 29, 2015

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The opening story in this sermon is based on an article in the November 23, 2015 edition of the New York Times, Babushkas of Chernobyl” Finds Life Thriving in Scarred Land, by George Stevens.

Prayer and Practice

Dear Friends,

As we respond to one more act of violence in our nation we wonder what we can do. We pray.  We write to our legislators. We talk among our friends.

In the midst of those activities, there can be a temptation to see our efforts in an “either/or” manner. Some suggest that the time for offering “thoughts and prayers” is over. Action is required. For the Christian, however, to consider our prayer life and our practice of life is never an either/or proposition.

Just as the circumstances of our lives may affect what we pray for, so should our prayer life affect what choices we make and how we respond to the circumstances that affect us. When one considers the effectiveness of the civil rights movement, what is abundantly evident is how much of that movement grew out of communities of faithful people who prayed even as they protested. Their faith led them to protest unjust laws, even as their protests led them back again and again to worship and prayer, whence they found their strength.

Prayer and practice. Each are essential. Each inform the other. And each is needed in these times of trouble.

