Hurricane Relief

When we hear of natural disasters, we sometimes wonder how we can help. Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) is the agency of our church that provides direct and immediate relief in the aftermath of disasters such as Hurricane Matthew. If you hear the Spirit calling you support recovery efforts in Haiti and the southeastern United States, you can do so by visiting the ERD website here.

There will also be more information and envelopes at church this Sunday, if you wish to send in our donation by mail.

Alice and the goatIn addition to providing disaster relief, Episcopal Relief and Development supports the ongoing mission work of the Episcopal Church throughout this country and around the world. Their “Gifts for Life” program provides persons and communities with an opportunity to provide for others at Christmas and other times of the year with mission gifts. Last year, the Episcopal Church Women helped us purchase goats for families through this program. You can find out more about Gifts for Life here. There is also a catalog with a listing of gifts available at church.

Christmas Gifts for Charlestown Children

The women of St. John’s Episcopal Church (ECW) are collecting new toys, games, or stuffed animals of any kind which will be distributed by the Charlestown Housing Task Force to needy children in Charlestown at Christmas. You are invited to bring items to church any of the next three Sundays – December 7, 14, or 21. They do not need to be wrapped.