Summertime is B-SAFE time and we need your help!!
For the past three years, St. John’s has teamed up with our friends at Old North to spend a wonderful, fun-filled week assisting with B-SAFE … the Bishop’s Summer Academic and Fun Enrichment program. This fabulous Diocesan program provides a safe, fun, academically enriching environment for more than 600 elementary and middle school students at six Episcopal church and school sites in Boston and Chelsea. B-SAFE also offers meaningful work experience for teens and young adults hired as counselors-in-training and staff. We will be assisting at the St. Luke’s, Chelsea site from Monday, July 25 through Friday, July 29. Your financial support, your time and your talents are needed.
Donations are being accepted now: Checks made out to St. John’s with “B-SAFE” in the memo will go to purchase the food we will be serving at lunch on Wednesday and Thursday, July 27 and 28, and for lunch and other costs associated with the field trip we are sponsoring on Friday, July 29.
Please check your calendar and sign up now to assist! We need your help here in our kitchen Wednesday evening, July 27 to prep the meal we will serve on Thursday, and again Friday morning to prepare bag lunches for the field trip. Your help is also needed from 10:30am until 2pm, Monday through Thursday at the St. Luke’s Chelsea site where our friends from Old North will be joining us to prepare lunch, serve lunch and join the children to eat lunch each day. Middle and high school age children are welcome to assist as well — both in the St. John’s “prep” kitchen and at St. Lukes!
Please click here to go to the electronic sign-up sheet and let us know when you will join us to help. You can also call the office, or speak to Steve Spinetto to volunteer. Ask anyone who has helped in the past … this is a wonderful, fun and grace filled thing to do!

Ziti was a popular choice for lunch last summer!