Parishioners gathered last Sunday after church for our annual meeting. Among the highlights were welcoming Sarah Simeone as a new member of the parish. As is our tradition, she signed the Parish Register at the beginning of the meeting. Outgoing vestry members Ken Stone, Matt Hast, and Adrienne Sweetser were thanked for their service, and Bridget Nyhan was elected as a new member of the vestry. We recognized and gave thanks for all the many ministries of the past year, and adopted the budget for 2014. You can pick up copies of the annual report at church, and you can also access it here:
Category Archives: Miscellaneous
Annual Meeting on February 2
The parish will hold its annual meeting on Sunday, February 23, following coffee hour after the 10 am service. We’ll review reports of all of our ministries of the past year, elect officers, and adopt the 2014 budget. We have so much for which to be thankful! Please do plan to stay. Childcare will be available during the meeting.
Thankful for 20 years of Service
On Sunday January 26th, the parish gave thanks to Dougals Witte for his 20 years of service as Director of Music at St. John’s. Initially hired as a substitute in December of 1993, Douglas became the permanent director in January of 1994.
During Coffee Hour, the Choir sang a toast to Douglas with words by Maureen Lavely to the tune of “My Favorite Things,” and Jake Sterling led the choir in a spirited rendition of Irving Berlin’s “Pack Up Your Sins.” Senior Warden Louis Tompros and the rector offered thanks, including the reading of several emails from clergy who worked with Douglas in the past. Among the presentations made was a plaque that will go on the organ after its restoration in 2014, commemorating Douglas’ years of service.
Stratton McCrady, a longtime choir member now in Maine, sent greetings as well. His letter was not read at the Coffee Hour, and we want to make sure everyone reads his thoughtful words of thanks:
My favorite Douglas story comes from when we in leadership were all asked to do safe church training. Douglas and I, Alice and some others complied. Early in the day we were asked to form two lines in a personal space exercise. These lines were to face each other with each person looking across some short distance at another from the opposite line. I looked across at Douglas. The group leader explained that we were to, on her count, take a slow series of steps toward each other and gauge how our personal feelings of discomfort might increase as we got continually closer. She said when we found the closeness unbearable, we were to speak up, stop, and note our relative positions. On her count we each took the first step toward each other….. Douglas said, “STOP.” “That’s enough.”
The point of embarrassing him with this story is to make clear how much he hates praise…. any steps too close. My personal truth is Douglas welcomed me back into a life I thought was lost to me forever, when his the little choir took me in. In those 15 years he has given me riches greater that gold or fine jewels. Virtually every Thursday and Sunday for those 15 years revolved around strains of music that saturated my soul, stirred my imagination and drove me into endless flights of research and musical discovery. This gift of music was for him, a passion, but also his day job. I’ve wanted him to understand that, for me it has been prayer, as essential as breathing, and it has been love and true worship. Douglas gave me that.
Bless him.
Confirmation Class Begins on January 21
We welcome all teens who are juniors or seniors in high school to join us for our first Confirmation class on Tuesday, January 21 at 7 pm. We’ll meet upstairs in the sitting area of the Parish House. Join the rector, Emily Garcia, and Sarabinh Levy-Brightman for a lively discussion about matters of faith, belief, and the Christian tradition.
Considering Membership
As persons become more engaged in the life of St. John’s they often have questions about what it means to become a committed member. You can formally join the St. John’s Parish community, and you can also become a member of the larger Episcopal Church.
What does it mean to be a member of the parish? Our Annual Meeting, this year held on Sunday, February 2nd, is traditionally a day when persons who want be join the parish sign the Parish Register. Find out more about what membership means at a Sunday Forum after church on January 18th. The rector, senior warden, and others will explain both the responsibilities and rich rewards of joining with others in this community of faith.
What does it mean to be an Episcopalian? If you are coming to St. John’s from another tradition, or have not been part of another church, you are welcome to be received or confirmed by the bishop. The next opportunity for this will be at deanery confirmation services scheduled in the spring. As we have done in the past, we will hold a joint Inquirer’s Class with our friends from Old North during Lent and Easter in preparation for reception and confirmation. These classes will cover the history, beliefs, and traditions of the church.