An invitation from the Music Director

During the summer months, the choir goes on hiatus and St. John’s becomes rather quiet.  During the quiet time between now and September I would like to invite any and all who might care to participate to an informal weekly singing session (with our gathering time to be determined).
I would envision some exploration of less traveled portions of the hymnal with an eye toward broadening our hymn repertoire, some practice in Psalm chanting, and an introduction to the pleasure of being part of an ensemble.  Science has shown that group singing is outstandingly good for your health, and by bringing your voices to Sunday mornings, you would be making an important contribution to the leadership and vitality of our weekly liturgy.  Please consider joining me in keeping St John’s a singing church.

You can reach me at dnwitte@gmail. com or speak to me at church if you are interested or would like to discuss this opportunity further.

A Message from Bishop Shaw

My Sisters and Brothers,

When I came out of surgery, just over a week ago now, I felt flooded with tremendous gratitude and a sense that I never thought my life would be this wonderful.  That feeling of gratitude has continued through the days since.  Thank you for the care and concern that you’ve extended through all of your cards and messages, and thank you for your continuing prayers for me and my community, which has been so supportive.  All of it has been uplifting.

On June 12, I will begin six weeks of radiation treatments at Dana Farber Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, along with chemotherapy.  I’m told that not a lot of side effects are to be expected, except for some fatigue.  Then in August, I will have a break from the therapies, to be followed by an MRI in September to see how we’re doing.  I couldn’t be happier with the doctors I’ve got, and I’ve felt the attentiveness of Christ through the nurses and other caregivers.

I’ve been cleared to come back to work and to resume exercise.  I am looking forward to participating in the Confirmation service this Saturday at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul.  Bud Cederholm will preach and assist with the Confirmations.  I do plan to cut back on my weekend responsibilities over the upcoming weeks.  I feel God calling me to live into the minute in a way I haven’t always before.

Please continue to pray for me as I pray for you.

Faithfully yours,


A Word from our Diocesan Coordinator for Episcopal Relief and Development

Dear Friends,

As I watch the images on the news today of the aftermath of the tornado in Oklahoma, I am once again amazed by how nature can be a weapon of mass destruction. My heart weeps for those who lost loved ones, or their homes. What can I do, here in Massachusetts, to make a difference in their lives? I can respond to Jesus’ call to love my neighbor, and to my Baptismal Covenant’s call to ‘seek and serve Christ in all people, loving my neighbor as myself’…I can help bring God’s kingdom back into the lives of the people in Moore who have lost so much.

Episcopal Relief & Development is our church at work healing a hurting world. For decades they have partnered with organizations to bring relief and to help rebuild after disasters…such as after the tornadoes in Springfield recently. A gift to Episcopal Relief & Development will help the people of Moore, OK rebuild their lives…go to to make a donation, every dollar helps.

“All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee”…

Tinka Perry, Episcopal Relief & Development Diocesan Coordinator

You are cordially invited…

To the formal opening of the grand new Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Wednesday, May 29 from 12 to 12:30.  Tom will be joining other members of the Charlestown clergy to offer prayers and blessings on this beautiful new facility.  St. John’s members are invited!

Serving St. Luke’s/San Lucas

Almost every week, members of the ECW (Episcopal Church Women) bring clothing and gently used goods donated by parishioners to St. Luke’s/San Lucas Episcopal Church in Chelsea. St. Luke’s has  a Food Pantry and Thrift Shop serving many in the Chelsea IMG_0453community, and our donations are much appreciated. At right, ECW members Rosemary Kverek and Maureen Lavely greet parishoners and the rector, Father Edgar Guiterrez-Duarte, after dropping off goods from the recent Sidewalk Sale.