A Word From Our Bishops

In response to the shootings in Virginia on Wednesday, Bishop Alan Gates, Bishop Gayle Harris, and Bishop William Fisher, of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts have commended to us a statement by the bishops of both Washington DC and the Diocese of Virginia. Please click here to read their statement.

Vestry Update

The 2017 vestry met for the first time on Tuesday, March 21 at the Parish House. Here are some highlights from their meeting:

  • New vestry members were welcomed: Lorraine Gagnon, Rosemary Kverek, Catherine Womack, and Sarge Locke (Treasurer). Paul Newell, our new Clerk, could not join us for the meeting.
  • The vestry heard updates from the Building Committee and the Garden Group (copies of their minutes are available on the vestry bulletin board in the Parish House. They also had an update on the Capital Campaign from Fay Donohue, Cochair of campaign. The first two projects being undertaken with campaign funds are the drainage project in the Parish House basement and the painting of the exterior of the Parish House.
  • Tom Mousin and Doug Heim led a conversation about the planned sabbatical for Tom, which tentatively will start on August 1, with Tom returning in mid-November.
  • Maureen Lavely was elected as a delegate to Diocesan Convention.
  • The vestry approved a resolution to apply for grant money from the Wynn Casino mitigation funds for the painting of the Parish House.
  •  The vestry approved the rector’s recommendation to hire a bookkeeper for one to two hours a week to assist the treasurer and Parish Administrator in handling parish finances.


Preparing for Advent

Believe it or not, Advent begins in two weeks, on Sunday November 27th! We want to help you get ready. Plan to stay after the 10 am service on Sunday, November 20, for an Advent workshop – we will have greens and candles to make your home Advent wreath (please bring your metal Advent wring if you have it from past years. Tom will have his Advent calendar, with some enlarged copies for the youngest among us to color. We’ll also have other suggestions for how to observe this season on a daily basis at home. Unknown