Dear Friends,
Yesterday, wardens, clergy, and other diocesan leaders received this email from the Rev. Canon Mally Lloyd, Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese:
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, wardens, clergy, and other diocesan leaders received this email from the Rev. Canon Mally Lloyd, Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese:
Come for supper and discuss the direction of the new St. John’s web site—Thursday, May 9th at 5:45 PM.
Paul Newell and Jake Sterling have been working hard on the web site and the redesign is complete; or, anyway, it has reached the point where it can be used. Small changes will still be made as we discover what is needed. But now the site is crying out for content. The questions are, what kind of content? What is the web site for? Who is the web site for?
From the Rector:
Given the tragedy at the Boston Marathon on Monday, recent efforts within our diocese to address the prevalence of violence in our city and culture are even more timely. This week, I am inviting you to read two different letters from Bishop Tom Shaw. One is his Easter letter to the congregations of the dioceses, and the other is in response to the marathon bombings. Each contains invitations for us to respond in a variety of ways to the Christian calling to be peacemakers in the world. May God guide all of our responses in the days ahead.
A letter from Bishop Shaw Regarding the B-PEACE for Campaign for Jorge:
A letter from Bishop Shaw in response to the Boston marathon bombings:’s-wake
April 26, 2013 – 7:30pm
Parish of the Epiphany
70 Church Street, Winchester
Jacob Street, organist at Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston, will play an organ and harpsichord concert April 26 at 7:30 pm at the Parish of the Epiphany in Winchester. The program Includes organ works of Johann Pachelbel, Dieterich Buxtehude, and J.S. Bach, as well as harpsichord works of Louis Couperin, Francois Couperin, and Jean-Philippe Rameau.
All proceeds of the concert will go to El Hogar in Honduras, a project of the Episcopal Church that educates street children and orphans. Our own Maureen Lavely was part of a mission team that visited El Hogar.
For more information go to
Scripture Lessons for the Fourth Sunday of Easter ~ April 21:
Acts 9:36-43
Psalm 23
Revelation 7:9-17
John 10:22-30
Hymns for this Sunday (all from The Hymnal 1982)
Opening Hymn: 645 The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Gradual Hymn: 465 Eternal Light, Shine in My Heart
Offertory Hymn: 475 God Himself is With Us
Closing Hymn: 296 We Know that Christ is Raised and Dies No More