

00:00 / 10:46

Sermon — October 4, 2020

The Rev. Greg Johnston

“You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, or we will die.”
(Exodus 20:19)

I’m sure you all know the name Nobel, as in “Nobel Peace Prize”; you may even know that the prize is named after Alfred Nobel. But most people don’t know very much about Alfred Nobel, so forgive me if you do. Alfred Nobel of Peace-Prize fame was an arms manufacturer, an industrialist and innovator who transformed his steel company into a major producer of cannons and industrial and military explosives.

Nobel’s most influential creation, though, was dynamite. Alfred and his brother Emil were experimenting with nitroglycerin as young men, trying to find a way to stabilize it for industrial use. Nitroglycerin is a powerful explosive, the sort of thing that’s really useful in mining or construction; but it’s unstable. Even a small bump can set it off into a huge blast. And so first, Alfred invented a way to detonate it from afar with a blasting cap, allowing the engineers to create a safe distance between themselves and the explosion. Later that same year, Alfred’s brother Emil died in an accident while continuing to experiment. Alfred continued his work trying to make nitroglycerin safer, and within a few years he’d come up with an idea. If he could mix the volatile liquid nitroglycerin with something inert and absorbent, he might be able to stabilize it enough to make it safe to carry around, but still explosive enough to be useful. He tried cement, coal, even sawdust; some combinations were still too volatile, some rendered the explosive useless.

And finally, Alfred Nobel came upon his solution: diatomaceous earth, the crumbled remains of fossilized algae, the perfect substance that, when blended with nitroglycerin, created a stable, malleable, powerful industrial explosive: dynamite.

“You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, or we will die.” I love this verse; I sometimes tell it as a joke about parish ministry. “You speak to us, Father, and we’ll listen; but don’t let God speak to us.” But within the whole system of ancient Israelite religion, it’s not a joke. It’s deadly serious, and it makes perfect sense. Holiness is a force, charged with incredible power, and when it comes into contact with moral or ritual impurity, it creates a powerful reaction, like matter and antimatter colliding.

God knows this is dangerous. The people know it, too, and they take appropriate precautions. Just a chapter earlier, God warns Moses that the cloud of the presence of the Lord will descend on Mount Sinai. “Set limits for the people all around it,” God says, and tell them, “‘Take care not to go up into the mountain or touch the edge of it. Whoever touches the mountain will die.” (Ex. 19:11-12) And so the people’s fear of hearing the voice of God isn’t a frozen-chosen punchline or a joke about how we want to outsource religion to the priests. It’s a faithful attempt to respond to what God commands.

In any case, the Lord God descends on the holy mountain in fire, wrapping it in smoke, and as the blast of the trumpets crescendos God delivers to the people ten commandments. (Depending how you count.) And the people are afraid. And they stand far off, lest they accidentally touch the live wire of the word of God and get zapped.

They make sure to keep the commandments, but carved into two tablets of stone. They listen for God’s word, but spoken through the words of Moses. They yearn to encounter God, but they do it through stories written down on a scroll, and prophets preaching in the street. They begin millennia-long project of Judaism and Christianity: mediating the raw power of God through holy books and rituals, sacred garments and liturgies, anything that can contain and circumscribe the volatile power of God.

And I’m not saying this is wrong. We’re Episcopalians, not a Pentecostals; in other words, our spiritual life relies on the patterns and the prayers of a long tradition at least as much as the sudden inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Mixing the raw, explosive holiness of God with the diatomaceous earth of religion renders it just a little bit more predictable, a little bit less dangerous, a little easier for us to mold and use in our spiritual construction work.

Sometimes, of course, the mixture’s too inert. There are millions of Christians around the world who could never be detonated into any kind of action, who will never allow themselves to be challenged or transformed. There’s too much sawdust in the blend. Equally, though, moments of great Christian revival have often faced the problem of charismatic preachers gone bad; of people, believing themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit, who explode at the smallest jolt, wreaking havoc on the people and the communities around them. So there’s nothing wrong with trying to stabilize the dangerous power of the Word of God.

In fact, God does it all the time. This is what the parable’s about. God plants a vineyard, and puts his people in it. God doesn’t come and speak to the people directly. Instead, God sends her prophets to carry the Word of God, and the people don’t listen. They drive them away. The mixture is too inert. God tries again and again, and nothing changes, and so finally God sends his Son, Jesus, thinking that will do the trick—surely now they’ll listen. God sends the Word of God itself, the pure explosive power of God; in all its power, but as a human being, united to humanity itself. And in Jesus, the explosive power of God becomes portable and stable and walks among us, ready to detonate that dangerous spiritual charge inside our hearts from a safe and reasonable distance.

The flaw in all of this, of course, is that most of us don’t buy it. We don’t think the same way that the ancient Israelites did three thousand years ago, or the way that Jesus and other Jews did two thousand years ago. We don’t really believe that the holiness of God is a dangerous thing. God doesn’t zap us if we come too close to the altar. The whole dynamite metaphor is nice, but the Word of God isn’t actually like nitroglycerin. It’s not really explosive—at least not in that cloud-of-fire-around-Mount-Sinai kind of way.

But maybe it’s just a question of what kind of danger this really is. If God speaks to us, we won’t actually die. But when we hear and listen to and follow Jesus, there are parts of us that die. There are parts of us that idolize our own power, our own reputation, our own wealth. There are parts of us that cling to our own self-righteousness, that secretly love our manifold addictions; and if we let God speak to us, these things may die. The Word of God is dangerous not because it hurts us in our true selves, but because it can rip away the falsest parts of ourselves—which are often, ironically, the parts we hold most dear.

Our books and our liturgies and our rituals are not God’s last and best attempt at making spiritual dynamite. Prophets and priests, bishops and Bibles, can bring the Word close to us; but they’re not quite strong enough to blast away the miles of rock around our hearts, to roll away the stones that separate us from God. So Jesus comes to us, not simply proclaiming the good news, but as Good News. He drills down and plants his dynamite deep within us and blows open a mine shaft through our souls, revealing the gold that lies hidden beneath the surface.

In practice, this looks very different for different people. Sometimes, it’s the love of a spouse or a friend breaking open our defenses, giving us the safety and permission to be vulnerable, to show the deepest, darkest parts of our lives, and to start to heal. Sometimes, it’s a Biblical verse or a line of a hymn or (heaven forbid) a sermon that comes back to us, again and again, that changes how we look at the world, that turns us toward a new way of being. Sometimes, it’s a sudden event that throws our lives into chaos, but gives us a chance to build something new and maybe better in the ruins. (Sound familiar?)

It’s almost always easier, in these situations, to call the whole thing off. In the short term, it feels safer. It’s frightening, out there, with “the thunder and lightning,” and “the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking.” (Ex 20:18) It’s safer to say no, to try to piece our old selves back together, to say to the professionals: “You speak to us, and we will listen; but don’t let God speak to us.” Because sometimes, we’re not ready for these parts of us to die.

But we do have the choice. We can rebuild. We can take those shattered pieces of our lives and create something new, not just a mended version of the life God’s blown apart, but a better one, a truer one, with a foundation stronger than we ever could have imagined, a life that’s founded not on our own fragile senses of self but on God’s—for

‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;
this was the Lord’s doing, and it is amazing in our eyes.’
(Matthew 21:42) Amen.

“The Unlicensed Practice of Christianity”

“The Unlicensed Practice of Christianity”

00:00 / 10:09

Sermon — September 27, 2020

The Rev. Greg Johnston

In the novel Morgan’s Passing, the writer Anne Tyler tells the story of a man who’s not quite what he seems. The story opens with Morgan watching a puppet show in a park on a weekend afternoon. After a few minutes, the puppeteer comes out and asks, “Is there a doctor here?” Everyone sits in silence for a minute or so, and then Morgan stands up, walks over to the man, and asks what’s wrong. It turns out that the puppeteer’s wife is pregnant and she’s just gone into labor. So, Morgan puts them in his car and they head off to the hospital. While they’re still only halfway there, they realize they’re too late. The baby’s coming. So Morgan sends the father-to-be down the street to get some supplies, and delivers the baby. Then he bundles the family back into the car—I guess this was in the days before newborn car seats—and drops them off at the emergency room before heading on his way.

At the hospital, after they’ve had some time to recover, the new parents ask around: “Where’s Dr. Morgan? We want to thank him for his help.”

“Dr. Morgan?” comes the reply from the obstetric department. “There’s no Dr. Morgan here.”

A few months later, they’re pushing the baby in the stroller and they see him, right there—it’s the man who helped them! They show him how healthy the baby is, and they tell him how strange it was that the hospital hadn’t been able to find him.

“Oh! I’m no doctor…” he readily admits. “I run a hardware store. But you needed a doctor. And, to be honest, it wasn’t that hard to do.” In fact, he’d been doing it for years, serving as a doctor, a lawyer, a pastor, a therapist; whatever the moment called for, whatever profession people thought they needed.

But never, he added, never a plumber or a butcher; “they would find me out in twenty seconds.”[1]

Now, I don’t condone the unlicensed practice of medicine or of law. But I do condone—in fact, I strongly encourage—the unlicensed practice of Christianity.

After all, that’s more or less what the story and the parable in today’s gospel are all about. The chief priests and the elders, the licensed religious practitioners of their day, see Jesus teaching in the Temple and ask him, effectively, “Sorry—who are you? And who gave you approval to teach in this place?”

Jesus, in typical Jesus fashion, turns the question around. They ask who gave him authority to teach; he asks them who gave John the Baptist authority to teach, knowing that there’s no way they’d insult such a popular figure by saying he shouldn’t have been preaching. But in effect, here, Jesus is playing Morgan. What matters in the end, he seems to say, is not who’s authorized the preacher to preach, but what it is he’s preaching. It’s not whether you’re a board-certified obstetrician—it’s whether you can catch the baby.

And then Jesus takes another step. “Someone had two children,” he says, “and told the first: Go work in the vineyard.” And the child grumbled about it and said no, but showed up to work. And the parent went and said to the second child, “Go work in the vineyard.” “Yes sir, sure thing, right away!” And a few hours later, he’s still sitting there on the couch. So, which one did what the parent wanted? (Matthew 21:28-31)

It’s not a trick question. It’s as obvious as it sounds. And that’s what makes it so pointed. It’s not about who you are, whether you say that you’re a chief priest or an elder, an obstetrician or a Christian. It’s not even about what you say or what you claim to believe; you can say you’ll work in the vineyard and never go. It’s about what you do.

And in fact, this is what Jesus means by “believing.” “John,” he says—and this is his cousin John the Baptist—“John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him.” (Matthew 21:32) Believing, in the sense Jesus means it, isn’t only something that happens inside your head, “believing” that John is a prophet. It’s not only something that comes out of your mouth: “We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ…” And it’s not only something that you feel in your heart. It’s all of these things, but it’s something more.

Believing in John the Baptist, believing in Jesus our Messiah, means doing something. Changing. Repenting. Not “repenting” the way the guy with the scary sign means it who stands down by Fenway after a game, promising the crowds they’ll burn in hell if they don’t accept Jesus as their Savior. “Repenting” in another sense: reorienting yourself internally in a way that shapes the way you live your life externally. Not because you’re frightened of a terrifying punishment, but because you’re following an inspiring leader. Because you accept the authority by which Jesus teaches, and so when you hear him calling you to work in the vineyard, you turn and follow him down the path that leads you there.

This is what ministry is. I don’t mean my ordained ministry. I mean all of our ministry, all the ways in which we love God and our neighbor as ordinary human beings. We wander through our ordinary lives, until one day, we hear a call. We turn a little bit, in one direction or another. Our path becomes a little clearer. We start to walk a little faster. And soon enough, sometimes without even noticing it, we’re far away from where we would have been, because even a tiny fork in the road creates a huge distance as you walk. (Just look at where Main St. and Bunker Hill St. start in the Neck, and where they end.)

You may not think you’ve heard this kind of call, or experienced this kind of gentle “repentance.” Too often in the Church we limit the meaning “vocation” to “ordination.” You might not the things that you do in your everyday life as a ministry. Maybe you’ve always thought of your life in separate slices: work, family, hobbies, church. But if you follow the logic of the parable, it becomes clear that it doesn’t matter whether our work in the vineyard happens through the Church or outside the Church, whether we think of the ways we love and care for one another as a Christian ministry or simple humanity. We don’t need to form a committee; we don’t even need the Rector’s approval! Because it doesn’t really matter, in the end, what we say about our work or how we talk about it. What matter is whether we do it.

I’ve said this before to a handful of people, and I’ll say it again and again. I want our life together to start from “yes.” The parable teaches us that saying “yes” is not enough. Point taken. But it’s a good start. If you come to me with an idea for something you want to do, for a ministry you want to create, I will try my best to say yes. (If you come to me with an idea for something you want me to do, I reserve the right to say “no.” And, buyer beware, if it’s something you think someone should do, I’ll assume you’re volunteering.)

Right now, in this strange Covid short-term, that’s sometimes hard. There are things we wish we could do that we can’t, or things we think should be safe that somebody else says are not. Fair enough. But we will emerge one day from all of this, and our lives will look different. There will be things we left behind in March that will never re-emerge. There will be new possibilities we never would have imagined.

I hope that we rise to the challenge together. I hope that we discover new ministries as we serve one another and our community. But even more than that, I hope that we discover the ways in which our whole lives are ministries; I hope we learn to recognize that holy voice in our everyday lives that’s asking us to go and work, as we slowly find our feet drawn toward the vineyard.

May we, like Morgan, uncertain and unqualified as we are, answer the call. May we, like the reluctant child, grumpy though we may be, do the work. May we receive, to quote from our Collect for this morning, “the fullness of [God’s] grace, that we, running to obtain [God’s] promises, may become partakers of [God’s] heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord.”


[1] Retold in Eugene H. Peterson, The Contemplative Pastor (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989), 130-131.

“First-Hour People in an Eleventh-Hour World”

“First-Hour People in an Eleventh-Hour World”

00:00 / 11:11

Sermon — September 20, 2020

The Rev. Greg Johnston

If you’re listening to this sermon right now, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re a “first-hour” kind of person. If you’re willing to log on to the twenty-eighth week of online church or to sit on a folding chair outside, you’re probably a pretty committed person in general. Some of you have kept the church functioning during a long, hard interim period. Some of you have been the linchpin of the office, coordinating everything while people are working from home. Some of you are the ones who always check up on your family, or your friends, or your neighbors, to make sure everything’s okay, because you know that you’re the one who everyone relies on. In a hundred different ways, in all different parts of life, you’ve worked hard in the vineyard, you’ve “borne the burden of the day and the scorch of the heat.” (Matt. 20:12)

Even if you’re not quite so diligent as these early birds—maybe you’re a third- or a sixth-hour person—I’m guessing that you’ve all had experiences of those eleventh-hour workers. The co-worker who always seems to have an excuse for why they can’t do their job. The neighbor who can’t be bothered to shovel out their own parking spot, but is happy to take yours. The friend whose name on your caller ID makes you think, “I wonder what she needs this time.”

It’s easy for us to feel resentment toward these people. We bear the brunt of the work, and they benefit. We pull our weight, and, well, we pull theirs, too! It’s infuriating.

And so, for some of us, Jesus’ parable today is more than a little outrageous. The boss goes out early to hire some people to work in his vineyard, and they agree on a price. A few hours later, he goes out to hire more people; and he does the same at noon, and three, and then again at the eleventh hour, at five o’clock, when the day is almost done. And as everyone gets ready to go home for the day, he starts handing out paychecks. The workers who’ve only been out there for an hour get a full day’s pay. Now, the early birds are excited. If the boss is so generous he’s paying twelve times as much as he should, what will they get? But then the people who’ve been working for three hours are paid just the same as the ones working one hour. And the ones working six hours—just the same. And by the time the boss gets to the people who’ve been working all day they’re pretty annoyed. “Are you serious?” they think, “You’re paying these moochers the same as you’re paying us? We did all the work, and they’ve gotten just as much credit. This is no way to run a business!”

And they’re right. But the kingdom of heaven isn’t really a business. The vineyard and the landowner, the workers and the wages—these are a metaphor. The kingdom of heaven isn’t really a business. It’s more like a household.

Did you ever go on a chore strike as a kid?

I think I tried to, once. It makes a certain amount of sense, to a ten year old. “If you give me a weekly allowance,” I thought to myself, “and you ask me to do certain chores, then the chores are my job. You’re paying me to work.” And so, one week, when I had decided that I did not want to wash the dishes or water the plants, I thought, “Well. I don’t need my $5 this week. I’ve got a couple bucks in my pocket, and I’ve got all the baseball cards I need, so… I think I’ll take a week of unpaid leave.”

Nice try, but—not how it worked in the Johnston household. At work, of course, you do your job, in exchange for money. It’s a contract. At home, though, you do your chores; and, if you’re a child, you probably get an allowance. But you’re not trading one for another. A young child living at home doesn’t work for her room and board. Her parents provide everything she needs to live, whether she does her chores or not. Compared to the huge financial and emotional support good parents provide, that weekly allowance means next to nothing.

And so it is, Jesus seems to say, with God. God wants us to work in the vineyard. God wants us, in other words, to grow in our spiritual lives; to love and serve our neighbors and our world; to spread the good news of God’s love in word and in deed. But these things aren’t a job. We don’t earn God’s love by doing our religious chores. That’s what the “daily wage” (Mt. 20:2) is all about. The “daily wage” isn’t just what you’ve earned after a day’s work; it’s what you need to live for a day. And so the landowner in the parable isn’t paying an hourly wage for the work done. He’s providing what his workers need to live another day. God gives us each day our daily bread, and—like the food our parents put on the table when we were children—it’s not something we’ve “earned.” It’s what we need to live.

As Christians, I think, we don’t do good things so that God will reward us. We do good things because God loves us, and we love God. Like little children, we start out trying to be good because we think it will make God happy, but as we grow up, we realize that God will love us one way or the other. And this unconditional love frees us from the anxiety of trying to be good enough, and frees us to respond in gratitude to God’s love.

Now, this is a risky thing to say in your first sermon as a new rector. Maybe I should be cracking the whip, telling you to roll up your sleeves and get to work, quoting from the classic hymn: “Come, labor on! Who dares stand idle, on the harvest plain?” (It’s a great hymn.)

But this isn’t really Jesus’ M.O. In fact, Jesus has one of the worst volunteer recruitment pitches of all time: “Take up your cross and follow me.” It will be hard. It will be dangerous. And God will reward you exactly the same, no matter how much or how little you do, whether you’re out working in the vineyard at dawn or you’re still in bed at 3pm. So: want to join the Stewardship Committee?

Of course, nobody serves on the Vestry, nobody delivers groceries to a neighbor, nobody gathers donations for the food pantry, because they want to be rewarded in heaven. We do it out of love. And this is the remarkable thing about the church. Like a whole community built on Jesus’ parable of the vineyard, we give what we have, and receive what we need. When we have the strength to work long hours under the sun, we do it. And when we’re tired and low, we receive the gift of others’ care and support.

And we do it all out of love. We spend our days laboring in the vineyard, in our families and our jobs and our neighborhoods, trying to love one another, trying to live lives that are shaped by gratitude for what we’ve received—and, still, more often than not, finding ourselves grumbling about whatever everyone else is or isn’t doing.

So this is who I pray for us to be. Not a well-oiled churching machine that’s earned every drop of God’s love that we’ve received, but a community of love, a community who grow together, who rejoice with one another when times are good, and lift each other up when we fall; a community where, to paraphrase the landowner, “take what belongs to [us] and go” (Matt. 20:14) back into the world, that we find grace and generosity in the Church and we bring it back into the rest of our lives, that we slowly reshape our world to look a little bit more like the kingdom of heaven. Amen.