Carry Nothing With You – July 7, 2013

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Carry Nothing With You – July 7, 2013

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Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

The little village of Northam, Vermont where I first taught school, is only about 10 miles from Rutland, the second largest city in Vermont. But it lies considerably higher up on the slopes of the Green Mountains.  It is not quite the kind of place of which a local would say, “You can’t get there from here,” but it is off the beaten track.  It is the kind of village that you come to because that is where you are headed – it’s not on the way to anywhere else.
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Demanding Discipleship – June 30, 2013

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Demanding Discipleship – June 30, 2013

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II Kings 2:1-2, 6-14
Luke 9:51-62

We gather here each Sunday to hear the gospel. And the gospel means, “Good News,” the promises that God makes to us through the gift of Jesus Christ.  But as is so often is the case, we also hear the demands of the gospel. Today it seems like we hear some particularly harsh demands from Jesus. Continue reading

What Are You Doing Here? – June 23, 2013

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What Are You Doing Here? – June 23, 2013

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June 23, 2013

I Kings 19:1-15

Let me begin by asking you a question:  “What are you doing here?”

That may seem like a question with an obvious answer. Today is Sunday, and we are gathered here for church. But I ask you that question because it is a question that is asked of Elijah, the prophet whose story we hear today, who has traveled 40 days and 40 nights to Mount Horeb.  He has come to the holy mountain fearing for his life, and seeking the face and guidance of God.
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Tears and Treasure – June 16, 2013

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Tears and Treasure – June 16, 2013

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Luke 7:36-8:3

We have some work to do today. I know it is the Sabbath, the Lord’s Day. But we have some work to do. Yes we will rejoice in a few minutes as Kyle and Erica bring their daughter Evangeline Grace, to be baptized in our midst.  But for that very reason, we have work to do. Continue reading

A Multitude of Vocies – May 19, 2013

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A Multitude of Vocies – May 19, 2013

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Today, this great feast day of the church, is a day when we hear a multitude of voices.  Among other things, here at St. John’s it is the last Sunday – at least for a while – that we will be hearing the collective voices of our choir, as they take a much-deserved break over the summer. And indeed, this is the last day we will be hearing one stalwart bass voice, that of Stratton, who with Robin will be leaving us for a season as they begin new endeavors.

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