These are sermons given by Reverend Thomas Mousin and others at St. John’s Church. Some have both the full transcript and an audio recording, while some have only the transcript or only the audio recording.
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Marriage in the modern world — 7 Oct 2012
00:00 /
Genesis 2:18-24, Psalm 8 Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12 Mark 9:38-50
A priest I know very well — actually a person dear to my heart and to whom I have made life-long vows — always begins his sermon with this prayer: Your Word, O God, and your Word only be that which we sing and speak, be that which falls on our ears and lives in our hearts…
How do today’s readings “…fall on our ears and live in our hearts?” How do we react to a gospel text that may evoke such a variety of emotions? My guess is that what we hear may differ substantially, based on our own particular experiences. No one of us has been untouched by the decisions of two persons to make a life-long commitment to each other. Some of us have made just such a commitment. Continue reading →
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