Dear Saint Johns,
The Vestry would like to formally announce that we have progressed to the next step in our transition! The Search Committee has been formed, a vital step in this process. The Search Committee, along with the Vestry, and our Search Consultant, Jane Redmont, will be meeting on November 9th to finalize details that will drive the creation of our Parish Profile and the posting for our new Rector.
A separate e-mail will be going out later this week with more information, including our committee members, a step-by-step description of the remaining tasks, and a tentative timeline. Please know that this next phase, the creation of our profile, is best achieved when ALL of Saint John’s are represented and engaged. Each and every one of you has something valuable to offer, whether that is time, talent, opinion, or moral support.
Thank-you, and we look forward to celebrating this process together!
Sarah and Catherine