Nursery Care: A paid care provider staffs our well-equipped Nursery during the 10 am service. The Nursery is conveniently located near the worship space, and parents are welcome to bring their young children in and out of worship as desired. Worship is live-streamed to the Nursery, so you won’t miss anything by stepping out of the service.

Godly Play: We offer Godly Play, a Montessori based education program, for children ages 3 to 10. We gather at 9:45 am, and each week hear a different story from the Bible. Children then explore the meaning of that story for their lives through a variety of activities. The program concludes with children joining their families in church for the the celebration of Holy Communion. We welcome new students all the time!
You can learn more about Godly Play by visiting their website.
Note: Godly Play meets outside in the Garden for added COVID safety during the spring and fall; during the winter, we’re meeting indoors in a room with added air filtration.

Formation for Older Students: Our class for older children also meets at 9:45 am in the Upper Parish Hall. Students in this class will also have the opportunity to participate as acolytes in Sunday morning worship, and join their families for Holy Communion. We are using the curriculum “Living the Good News.”
You can learn more about “Living the Good News” by visiting this website:
Youth Group: This year, we launched a new youth group for 9th-12th graders, led by the Rector. We started with a series of Zoom meetings this fall, focusing on building relationships with one another and growing into adulthood as full members of the Church, with a good mix of fun, prayer, and service.
Our Junior Choir participates in Sunday worship on a regular basis. We meet at 9:15 am on Sunday mornings upstairs in the Parish House, under the direction of Nancy Armstrong. All children six and older are welcome to attend.