Click here for Directions to St. John’s
Saint John’s Episcopal Church
27 Devens Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
Telephone: (617) 242-1272
Church Office Hours are Tuesday & Thursday 9am to 3 pm.
Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals
We are happy to welcome both regular parishioners and other members of the community for these important rituals that mark the cycles of human life. For more information about baptisms, weddings, and funerals, please contact the Parish Administrator at
Clergy and Staff

The Reverend Greg Johnston
Greg came to St. John’s in September 2020, after serving as Assistant Rector of St. Anne’s in-the-Fields in Lincoln, MA. He received his BA from Harvard University and was trained for ordination at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, where he received an MDiv from Yale Divinity School and Diploma in Anglican Studies from Berkeley.
Greg lives in Charlestown with his wife Alice and their four-year-old Murray. In his free time, he cooks, runs, studies ancient languages, and develops church-related web applications like Venite, a Daily Office prayer and liturgy-planning app.

Douglas N. Witte
Director of Music
Douglas received his undergraduate training in organ and choral music at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge Massachusetts, graduate level training in organ performance at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam, and pursued independent studies under the auspices of the North German Organ Academy, based in Uttum, Ost-Friesland. He has been St John’s Music Director since 1993. His musical interests are eclectic, running the gamut from Hindustani sacred music to 1930s Berlin cabaret, but his primary loves are the organ music of Sweelinck and the 17th century North German school, and the Anglican choral tradition, from Tallis to Stanford.

Priscilla Burns
Parish Administrator
Priscilla is a cradle Episcopalian and 35 year active member of Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester. Born in Tennessee and raised in Florida, she has called the Boston area home for many years and loves serving both Old North and St. John’s Episcopal Church, Charlestown as shared Administrator. She graduated from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in Lynchburg, Virginia and earned an MBA from Northeastern University.

Nancy Savage
Godly Play Teacher

Brian O’Neill
Michael Fenn
The 2024 Saint John’s Episcopal Church Vestry
The Vestry is the governing board of the parish, and consists of the following Officers and Members:
Nathan Gunsch, Warden
Simon Ringrose, Warden
Louise Ambler Osborn, Treasurer
Jane Struss, Clerk
Laura Carroll
Shannon Fry
Matt Hast
Robin Moody
Paul Newell
Laurel Voss