A popular humorist once said, “Many Episcopalians are bred from childhood to sing in four-part harmony, a talent that comes from sitting on the lap of someone singing alto or tenor or bass and hearing the harmonic intervals by putting your little head against that person’s rib cage. It’s natural for Episcopalians to sing in harmony.” While singing is part of our tradition and part of the beauty of worship, it’s also a deeply prayerful act.
Our services are full of music. The congregation sings three or four hymns each Sunday, and often joins the choir in singing the Psalm. Our choir leads worship by chanting the Psalm, leading the hymns, and singing choral anthems drawn from the vast repertoire of sacred music composition for choir. At all times, music choices strive to support the lectionary readings appointed for the day, with a particular focus on the integration of music into liturgy.
The music program is supported by a tracker action organ by the New York firm of J.H and C.S. Odell, dating from 1873, and restored in 1995. Comprising 17 stops distributed over two manuals and pedal, the organ is relatively small, but possesses a bold voice which is very at home in our sanctuary, and has proven to be a lovely support to congregational singing and versatile in the performance of a broad repertoire.

Adult Choir
Our dedicated volunteer choir leads worship from September through May. They rehearse for the next week on Sundays after the 10am service, and meet at 9am before the service to warm up for the day.
We are always happy to welcome new members. Though an ability to read music is a plus, if you can carry a tune and crave musical fellowship, we want to know you!

Junior Choir
Our Junior Choir sings occasionally at the 10 am worship service throughout the program year, something we look forward to, at Saint John’s! Junior Choir Director, Nancy Armstrong, invites all children 6 years and older to come and join her, for Junior Choir.